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@ 2021-12-25 14:50:00

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March 12th, 2017

01:00 am:
Fake news website created to test Donald Trump supporters' gullibility - Reveals they will believe anything

James McDaniel's website claimed Barack Obama was plotting a coup from a secret bunker and Hillary Clinton was a child-sacrificing maniac. The site got more than one million views within two weeks, and hundreds of thousands of likes and shares

An American started a fake news website to see how ridiculous a story had to be before Donald Trump supporters realised it was untrue – and ended up concluding that some of them would believe absolutely anything.

February 25th, 2017

06:10 pm:

Singer promotes occult gatherings held on "waning crescent moon ritual dates"

Feb 24, March 26, April 24, May 23 ❤️ Ingredients can b found online 🍰


February 22nd, 2017

12:10 am:

February 21st, 2017

01:29 amMilo Yiannopoulos’s Pedophilia Comments Cost Him CPAC Role and Book Deal
WASHINGTON — Milo Yiannopoulos, the provocateur and Breitbart News editor, was under pressure on several fronts Monday after the publication of a video in which he condones sexual relations with boys as young as 13 and laughs off the seriousness of pedophilia by Roman Catholic priests.

The organizers of the Conservative Political Action Conference rescinded their invitation for him to speak later this week. Simon & Schuster said it was canceling publication of his forthcoming book, “Dangerous.” And there were calls online for Breitbart to sever ties with him.

The episode, which unraveled quickly online over the weekend, put many conservatives in a deeply uncomfortable position. They have long defended Mr. Yiannopoulos’s attention-seeking stunts and racially charged antics on the grounds that the left had tried to hypocritically censor his right to free speech.®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0


February 3rd, 2017

02:45 pmBurtiski Hitleri
Naciķi/labējie prognozējami parāda, ka tieši viņi ir tie no kā jābaidās normāliem liberāļiem/demokrātiem.

January 28th, 2017

06:45 pm

January 24th, 2017

04:32 amŽižek, Žižek, kāpēc tu esi mani atstājis?
In Meeting With Congressional Leaders, Trump Falsely Blames Illegal Immigrants for Loss of Popular Vote

WASHINGTON — President Trump used his first official meeting with congressional leaders on Monday to gripe about his loss of the popular vote, falsely telling the lawmakers that he would have won a majority if millions of illegal immigrants had not voted against him.

#fakepresident #realnews

January 23rd, 2017

02:38 pm44 Jūs esat no sava tēva - velna, un jums gribas piepildīt sava tēva kārības. Viņš no paša sākuma ir bijis slepkava un nestāv patiesībā, jo patiesības nav viņā. Alternatīvos faktus runādams, viņš runā pēc savas dabas, jo viņš ir alternatīvo faktu tēvs.

January 22nd, 2017

03:35 pmTrump's inauguration crowd: Sean Spicer's claims versus the evidence

White House press secretary’s angry declaration that the media faked low attendance does not stack up against photos, videos and public transport figures

Photographs of the National Mall in Washington DC and public transport figures for the city cast serious doubt on Sean Spicer’s angry insistence that Donald Trump drew “the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe”.

#fakepresident #realnews

January 18th, 2017

09:01 pmPatiesi Baraks Obama ieies vēsturē kā viens no visu laiku izcilākajiem ASV prezidentiem:

"Chelsea Manning, the US army soldier who became one of the most prominent whistleblowers of modern times when she exposed the nature of warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan, and who then went on to pay the price with a 35-year military prison sentence, is to be freed in May as a gift of Barack Obama in his final days as president."

Čelsiju jau sen vajadzēja atbrīvot!

January 11th, 2017

03:21 pm

12:53 am(CNN)Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.

"[..] The two-page synopsis also included allegations that there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government, according to two national security officials."

January 8th, 2017

05:18 pmTie, kas pielūdz Trampu ("DIEVA PIRKSTS!", "dievišķās providences tieša iejaukšanās vēstures gaitā!"), pielūdz sātanu.

Hannah Montana!

December 27th, 2016

01:54 pmJēzus bija left-wing ekstrēmists

December 11th, 2016

03:33 pmMake Nazis afraid again!

December 7th, 2016

06:13 pmalt-vatņik

December 4th, 2016

06:35 pmpm: par zoofiliju un varaskārajiem
Dieva pielūgsme = varas pielūgsme.

"18 Kad nu viņa atklāti piekopa netiklību un viņas izvirtība jau visiem bija kļuvusi redzama, jo viņa neslēpa un atklāja savu kailumu, tā apnika arī Man, kā viņas māsa Man bija apnikusi. 19 Viņas netiklība kļuva arvien ļaunāka, arvien vairāk izvirtuši kļuva viņas sniegtie pērkamie glāsti; tā atcerējās tad savu jaunības laiku, kad tā jau Ēģiptē labprāt bija ļāvusies tiem, kas kāroja pēc viņas. 20 Tad viņa iekarsa pret saviem jaunajiem mīļākajiem un turienes izvirtuļiem, kuriem locekļi bija kā ēzeļiem un sēklas izplūdums kā ērzeļiem. 21 Tu labprāt kavējies domās pie savas jaunības laika netiklības, kad ēģiptieši taustīja tavu stāvu un spaidīja tavas jaunavīgās krūtis (..)"

November 30th, 2016

06:13 pm:

01:02 pmKognitīva disonanse
Vatņikam [info]krishjaanis un viņa līdzskrējējam [info]gnidrologs šodien smaga diena - Tramps par Valsts kases vadītāju izraugās sorosistu:

"Jaunievēlētais ASV prezidents Donalds Tramps par Valsts kases sekretāru izraudzījies ilggadējo investīciju bankas "Goldman Sachs" baņķieri un filmu producentu Stīvenu Mnučinu, vēsta "CNN Money".

Tramps miljonāru šī gada maijā uzaicināja pievienoties savai vēlēšanu kampaņas komandai, kur viņš atbildēja par finansējuma piesaisti. Jeilas universitātes absolventam nav iepriekšējas pieredzes valsts institūciju darbā, taču viņš ilgi strādājis "Goldman Sachs", dažādās nekustamo īpašumu kompānijās, kā arī ar savu producentu kompāniju piedalījies Holivudas lielbudžeta filmu projektos, piemēram, "Suicide Squad", "Avatar" un "X-Men".

Trampa izraudzītais Valsts kases vadītājs "Goldman Sachs" pievienojās 22 gadu vecumā un pavadīja kompānijā 17 gadus, pametot to neilgi pirms savas 40 gadu jubilejas 2002. gadā. Pēc bankas pamešanas Mnučins vairākas reizes mainīja darbu, tostarp gadu vadīja miljardiera Džordža Sorosa hedžfondu.

2004. gadā ar Sorosa palīdzību viņš izveidoja pats savu hedžfondu "Dune Capital Management", bet 2008. gadā nopirka bankrotējušo "IndyMac" banku, un pārsauca to par "OneWest". "IndyMac", kā atgādina "CNN Money", bija viena no zināmākajām bankām, kas izputēja pēc nekustamo īpašumu burbuļa plīšanas finanšu krīzes laikā. Banku Mnučins nopirka kopā ar vairākiem citiem investoriem, tostarp Sorosu.

Gūstot vērienīgu 3,4 miljardu ASV dolāru peļņu, Mnučins un partneri banku pārdeva 2015. gadā. Viņa personīgā bagātība, kā lēš "Bloomberg", varētu būt ap 200 miljoniem ASV dolāru".

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