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Mūzika: | Explosions in the sky - Your Hand in Mine |
spontāns vārdu virkējums, varbūt pat kaut kas
Never minded mind, a part of it, pretend being a mosquito. Put a false elctricity capacity in your daily routine and suburban areas will explode their pretending madness. Live for remaining shots although your mother drives smiling roses across dressing shelf. Hang out with baloons wherever and whenever they sing out colours from the front of their everywhere. Camille..i still havent got Defiances’ song. Undress cool prestige more than it may consider to be flying bee in the movie about planing gardening dishes being watered near domestic animals sitting very politely and having stress. Lullaby strings my arms more gently than McDonald would imagine trembeling his misterious oven . Deal, deal, steal, steal gripping tragedies of never met history lecturer, well.. nell pick up your gel and tell more about Stell’
Explosions in the sky - Your Hand in Mine, dziesma, skanēja, raudāju pilnā balsī, kad pēdējo reizi, kaut kad atpakaļ. atcerējos - bija vēl viena cita, vēlāk, tā uzzimēja zilu krustu, kas tagad karājas pie manas gultas.
brālim jāiet gulēt
pacēlu šodien galvu, virs manis koks ar zaļām lapām, gandrīz smejoties pasmaidīju, jābūt īpašam dveseles stāvoklim, lai tik ļoti par koku priecātos, kāds iepūš tos prieka puteklīšus, nezinu, bet paldies. šodienas smaids ir līdz ideālam līmenim. varbūt tagad vairs nē, bet bija.