abscisu ass ([info]absciss) rakstīja,
@ 2004-03-11 20:27:00

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es jums labpraat kautko uzrakstiitu par to kaa apschaut visus savus klasesbiedrus vai aplaupiit veikalu nelda bet man naak miegs.pat visruudiitaakie noziedznieki izguljas pirms lieliem darbiem.prozit!

-genesee county 911.
-i have a student at buell school that has been downed. i need an ambulance immediately.
-where's the child that's been shot?
-right here, on the floor of my class. oh god please! she's getting white.
-she's getting white? is she breathing?
-yes, the little girl is getting white.
-is she breathing?
-no, she's not!
-where is the child that shot her Ma'am, do you have any idea?
-he's in the office.
-he's in the office?
-where was she shot?
-i can't tell. i'm too scared to turn her body. please lord! please lord! please lord!

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2004-03-11 22:32 (saite)
tajaa veikalaa nav ko laupiit. ja nu vieniigi paaris puudercukura pacinjas, asimetriskas.

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