aanticulturee ([info]aanticulturee) rakstīja,
@ 2006-06-30 10:33:00

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-- If you were permitted to use magic, which one you would choose: the magic of the dragon or the magic of the sea?
-- I would choose the magic of dragon because it is more powerful.
-- How so?
-- Because the sea is real and one always asks himself: is my magic real enough? One always doubts. With dragons you can use the full power of your imagination and there are no doubts. That's how it is more powerful.

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2006-06-30 11:06 (saite)
Hm. A man būtu otrādi, pie tam, kas interesanti, ar līdzīgiem argumentiem. Iz sērijas "you don't need to ask, it's real".

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2006-06-30 17:47 (saite)
Jā un nē. Cilvēka zemapziņa aizvien ir ļoti mitoloģiska; reizēm pat labāk strādā tādi tēli, kas neierobežo ar savu realitātes repliku iespējām.

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