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Lietotājs:malish (15743) malish
Love, Peace and Shoes

First they love me, then they hate me and then they love me again

When I'm good, I'm very, very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better (Mae West)

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Intereses:2: harmonija, klusums. [Pamainīt savējās]
People35:amber, art_fatal, austrinjsh, beatrixe, betany, chill_pill, coletya, daarta, domenique, dominika, holandiete, illumine, kristucs, la_cumparsita, lamisch, lazdu_ragana, little_black, maruta, miidija, murks, narkoze, neverending, panda, putnupr, safe, santa_be, savanna, shelly, skyhell, starro, uwa, vacatio, viipsna, viux, zuzanna
Mutual Friends:25: amber, art_fatal, beatrixe, betany, chill_pill, coletya, domenique, holandiete, illumine, kristucs, la_cumparsita, lamisch, lazdu_ragana, maruta, miidija, murks, neverending, panda, putnupr, santa_be, savanna, skyhell, vacatio, viipsna, zuzanna
Lietotāja tips:Bezmaksas lietotājs

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