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Lietotājs:angel_nothing (18513) angel_nothing
If you enjoy crying
then tonight I will show you how it can rain with tears of scarlet
Bio:If you enjoy crying,
then tonight I will show you
how it can rain with tears of scarlet.

Our lives are meaningless,
so tonight I will show you
how it can rain with tears of scarlet.

The battle is won but count the costs,
tonight my soul will make it rain
with tears of scarlet.
Intereses:15: eņģeļi, filozofija, meli, melns, mīlestiba, mūzika, nakts, nebūtība, pārdomas, sapņi, skaistums, sāpes, tumsa, vientulība, īstenība. [Pamainīt savējās]
People32:0_0_0, _pie_fucker_, aivars_666, daarta_hippie, damn_thing, dis, emocijaaciii, fruktoze, hazy_nothing, hope, immortalangel, jauna_dzive, kaa_rauta, katramsavs, little_black, magic_raddish, methodrone, mirror_image, nomorelimits, punkts, requiem, saulpalampe, shadow, sickboy, silence_queen, slikts, tadeuszcysewski, trusisz, vanga, ymdeithiad, zem_maskas, zum
Esmu draugs:3: daarta_hippie, fruktoze, immortalangel
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