aņa delovejevna ([info]deloveja_kundze) rakstīja,
@ 2008-05-24 23:00:00

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Mūzika:bob dylan - stuck inside of mobile with the memphis blues...

A. Motivation letter

Please, describe why you would principally like to take part in an interna¬tional EUSTORY academy and why you are especially interested in the topic of the academy of your first choice (For example: Do you see any relation or relevance of the topic for your country?).

Please, write 1-2 pages using a separate sheet of paper.

B. Statement of competition entry

Please, state the title of your competition entry and describe why you chose this topic. What were the results? What did you expect? What surprised you?

Please, prepare a statement of max. 1 page on a separate sheet of paper.

nu, davai, Aņa, saņemies. tam nevajadzētu būt pārāk grūti, vai ne?

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