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@ 2023-04-19 17:15:00

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Vatican sets up observatory to study Marian apparitions and other mystical phenomena
Department of the Pontifical International Marian Academy to look at apparitions the Church has not yet authenticated

The Pontifical International Marian Academy has set up a new office charged with looking into miracles connected to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The body, which is officially called the Observatory of Apparitions and Mystical Phenomena held its first meeting on April 15.

"It will be the task of the observatory to operate effectively... to activate national and international commissions to evaluate and study the apparitions and mystical phenomena reported in various parts of the world," said the academy' president, Friar Stefano Cecchin OFM, in an interview with Vatican News.

The mission of the observatory is to provide concrete support for the study, authentication and dissemination of cases of apparitions and lacrimations – the unexplained appearance of tears on a painting or statue – throughout the world.

The observatory will have a steering committee and a central scientific committee, made up of specialists in Mariology -- the branch of Christian theology that studies the place of Mary in God's plan. Committee members will be sent into the field as needed.

A multidisciplinary collaboration to "clarify things"
The new office will collaborate with experts and researchers in a scientific and multidisciplinary way, Cecchin emphasized. He said it has the aim of "clarifying things, because often the so-called messages generate confusion, spread anxiety-provoking apocalyptic scenarios or even accusations against the pope and the Church".

Gian Matteo Roggio, a La Salette Missionary priest who teaches at Pontifical Theological Faculty "Marianum", and Denis Kulandaisamy, a priest with the Servite of Mary, will be part of the team charged with "promoting high-level dissemination and advisory activities, especially at the service of local churches and bishops... and the publication of the results of the research carried out", according to Friar Cecchin.

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2023-04-19 20:15 (saite)
Ahnenerbe :D

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