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@ 2014-08-09 13:56:00

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Entry tags:chemtrails, noziedzība, vara, zinātnisms

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“I used to work at Lawrence Livermore Lab where we all participated in a meeting. Where we sat around the room thinking of ways to manipulate geophysical systems to use it as a weapon. That means could you somehow interfere with the earth’s functioning in a way that you could use it as a military weapon. Could you change climate, what could you do to manipulate the earth’s physical system. Some of the ideas were, could we blow up hydrogen bombs underwater or offshore to make a tidal wave that would go over a city. The result was isn’t it easier to drop the hydrogen bomb on the city? Now, you could imagine putting pathogens in a cloud. Let the cloud go over somewhere and rain down on your enemy, do chemical or germ warfare. That may work on something as big as the former Soviet Union, where you could be pretty sure that in a few days that cloud would rain out.”

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