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@ 2006-08-08 11:49:00

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What kind of dark person are you?

Dark shadow. Something has drawn you into darkness in the past, and you're now trying to get out of it. The darkness is already inside you, and getting it out will be hard, but if you try, maybe one day you can be who you want to be again. Don't give in!!!

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2006-08-08 12:39 (saite)

Whats Your Personality Disorder =P

HeHe, Looks Like Ur Obsessive Compulsive! Which Is Fun, It Means That You Like Everything To Be Done A Certain Way, You Fear Failure But are True And Just And Make A Good Friend,Your A Perfectionist And Set Incredibly High Goals Fo Yourself But Being A Perfectionist Can Get You Outta Alot Of Trouble.Deadly Sin : Pride And Or Lust =oGemstone: Emerald Element:WaterGood Attributes: Clever, Kind, Noble, Just, Fair, True Friend,Attractive. Good NaturedBad Attributes: Overly Determined,Work-a-Holic, Paranoid, StubbornPlz Rate! And Dont Take N E Thing Too Seriously Kaii, I Cood Be Worng!E-Mail Me If Ya Liked It! x
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