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Jan. 22., 2012 | 02:00 am
posted by: malvine_truse in pajautaa

Vai kāds zina kur var dabūt/noskatīties holandera filmu "bye bye beauty"??

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Comments {5}

from: [info]kim
date: Jan. 22., 2012 - 02:05 am

Buy bye beauty

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from: [info]auksts_entelekt
date: Jan. 22., 2012 - 11:29 am

jūķuba bija. Sen atpakaļ skatījos.

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from: [info]divi_g
date: Jan. 22., 2012 - 02:08 am

A ir jēga?
In late 2010 Hollender in an interview to Latvian newspaper Diena revealed that he has lied in the film. He confessed that, despite claiming that women he had sex with were randomly met in the streets of Riga, in fact those were professional prostitutes that had signed contract with Hollender. (c) wiki


Uzmanību, viss šeit lasāmais ir autora fantāzija.

from: [info]ulvs
date: Jan. 23., 2012 - 10:56 pm

vai tad filmai zūd jēga, ja tajā tiek melots (ok, tā zaudē dok.kino statusu, iegūstot vārdiņu -pseido)? vai gleznai zūd jēga, ja tajā tiek attēlotas neesošas lietas?

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Uzmanību, viss šeit lasāmais ir autora fantāzija.

from: [info]ulvs
date: Jan. 23., 2012 - 10:56 pm

tas bija domāts divi_g

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