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Sep. 21., 2010 | 09:18 pm
posted by: almighty_j in pajautaa

Līdz ar to sekojoši jautājumi.

a)Kas ir šo kukaiņu dabiskie ienaidnieki.


b)Kādu dabai kopumā derīgu f-ju šīs pāraugušās lapsenes veic (ja vispār)?

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Comments {10}

from: [info]eermaniitis
date: Sep. 21., 2010 - 10:30 pm

Yes. In the countries where wasps originate, a wide range of natural predators have been recorded including invertebrates (dragonflies, robber flies, hornets, centipedes, and spiders), birds (at least 24 species are known to eat wasps, including blackbirds, magpies, starlings) and mammals. In Britain, badgers are the chief predator: they destroy entire colonies to obtain the brood-filled comb. Stoats, weasels and mice also disrupt colonies in the early stages. However, in New Zealand, one reason wasps have so successfully established is that most of their natural predators are not present

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from: [info]almighty_j
date: Sep. 21., 2010 - 11:06 pm

strazdi! kas to būtu domājis! ēd ne tikai ķiršus, bet arī pāraugušās lapsenes. :) vēlreiz paldies.

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