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Air - Love 2 [Sep. 30th, 2009|06:12 pm]
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Love 2 is the sixth studio album by French electronic pop duo Air. The album will be released on September 30th in Japan and mid October 2009 in the rest of the world, and is the first production recorded at their own recording facility, Atlas Studio.

1. Do The Joy
2. Love
3. So Light Is Her Footfall
4. Be A Bee
5. Missing The Light Of The Day
6. Tropical Disease
7. Heaven's Light
8. Night Hunter
9. Sing Sang Sung
10. Eat My Beat
11. You Can Tell It To Everybody
12. African Velvet
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[User Picture]
Date:September 30th, 2009 - 07:17 pm
Date:September 30th, 2009 - 08:43 pm
liels paldies :)
Date:September 30th, 2009 - 09:14 pm
paldiesiņš :)
[User Picture]
Date:September 30th, 2009 - 10:55 pm
paldies, nē
[User Picture]
Date:October 1st, 2009 - 05:35 pm
Jā, dzīve katru dienu sniedz ko jaunu. Danke!
[User Picture]
Date:October 16th, 2009 - 12:25 pm
klajš pops, ko gan citu no viņiem varēja sagaidiit .. kopumaaa nav suudiigs bet nav arii nekas izcils .. Be a Bee potenciaals hiits