muzons - January 14th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 14th, 2010

Hot Chip - One Life Stand (2010) [Jan. 14th, 2010|01:02 am]
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[music |One Life Stand]

Two years after releasing their breakthrough disc Made in the Dark, British electro-pop group Hot Chip are set to return with One Life Stand, an 11-track set of smart, ass-shaking dance numbers that’s one of the year’s most anticipated indie records.

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These New Puritans - Hidden (2010) [Jan. 14th, 2010|01:10 am]
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[music |We Want War]

Angular Recording Corporation's press release describes the album as featuring:
    "six-foot Japanese Taiko drums, a thirteen piece brass and woodwind en-semble, sub-heavy beats, prepared piano, a children’s choir, Foley recording techniques (including a melon with cream crackers attached struck by a hammer, used to simulate the sound of a human head being smashed), and the ethereal voice of Heather Marlatt from dream-pop group Salem."

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Spoon - Transference (2010) [Jan. 14th, 2010|01:27 am]
[music |Written In Reverse]

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OK Go - Of the Blue Colour of the Sky (2010) [Jan. 14th, 2010|01:40 am]
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Of the Blue Colour of the Sky is the third studio album by American rock band OK Go. It was released on January 12, 2010 on Capitol Records. The album's name, lyrics, are based on The Influence of the Blue Ray of the Sunlight and of the Blue Colour of the Sky, an 1876 book by Augustus James Pleasonton. Its style was noted as a significant departure from the pop rock of their earlier albums.

WTF? / This Too Shall Pass
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The Magnetic Fields - Realism (2010) [Jan. 14th, 2010|02:00 am]
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[music |Everything Is One Big Christmas Tree]

Described by songwriter Stephin Merritt as "my folk album", the instrumentation of Realism is largely acoustic, stark in contrast to the band's previous album, Distortion, released in 2008. Merritt said he "thought of the two records as a pair" and considered titling the albums True and False; ultimately, he couldn't decide which title would correspond with which album. The song "The Dada Polka" is the only track to utilize an electric guitar. Merritt also avoided using a traditional drum kit, further separating the sound of Realism from the noise pop of Distortion. Along with Distortion and the 2004 album i, Realism was also recorded without the use of synthesizers, completing the band's "no-synth trilogy".

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Charged G.B.H - "Give Me Fire / Man-Trap" 7"EP - 1982 [Clay Records / Intersong (CLAY 16), Distibute [Jan. 14th, 2010|02:03 am]
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[music |Skid Row - "Livin' On A Chain Gang"]

Nu ko, teikšu atklāti, ka nav vairs, ko piebilst tieši par šiem 1982.gada trijiem singliem, ja vien ar to atšķirību, ka šīs iznāca jau pēc leģendārā 1982.gada debijas albuma "City Baby Attacked By Rats", atšķirībā no iepriekšējiem diviem, kas iznāca pirms tā.

Charged G.B.H - "Give Me Fire / Man-Trap" 7"EP - 1982 [Clay Records / Intersong (CLAY 16), Distibuted by Pinnacle].

320 kbps / Skaņdarbu skaits - 2

Tādēļ vairs nekādas informācijas, bet, ja tomēr ir kādi jautājumi, jūs jau zināt, kam jautāt.

Photobucket Photobucket
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Jay Reatard (May 1, 1980 – January 13, 2010) [Jan. 14th, 2010|10:23 am]


[music |jay reatard - blood visions (in the red records, 2006)\09 ni]

Viens no pēdējo gadu visvairāk klausītajiem indie rokeriem...
Viens no albūmiem, kas gadījās pa rokai: jay reatard - blood visions (in the red records, 2006)
PS hipotēze - heroīns.

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Xiu Xiu - Dear God, I Hate Myself (2010) [Jan. 14th, 2010|03:54 pm]
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[music |Gray Death]

The seventh full-length record for these Oakland, Calif., art-rockers on long-time label home Kill Rock Stars is their first since the departure of long-time member Caralee McElory and follows the 2008 release of Women As Lovers. New recruit Angela Seo joins percussionist Ches Smith and Jamie Stewart, the groups’ founder, principal songwriter, and sole constant member (who moonlights in Former Ghosts). Dear God I Hate Myself follows other provocatively titled Xiu Xiu releases like Fag Patrol and features a number of songs composed on the Nintendo DS.

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