My Dinner with Andre (1981) | 23. Dec 2012 @ 16:06 |
Andre Gregory to Wally Shawn: We're bored. We're all bored now. But has it ever occurred to you, Wally, that the process that creates this boredom that we see in the world now, may very well be a self perpetuating, unconscious form of brainwashing created by a world totalitarian government based on money and that all of this is much more dangerous than one thinks, and its not just a question of individual survival, Wally, but that somebody who's bored is asleep, and somebody who's asleep will not say no?
My Dinner with Andre - video
My Dinner with Andre - info
Father Ted | 8. Nov 2009 @ 01:14 |
Father Ted: I know what's going on, Pat Mustard. There are some very hairy babies on Craggy Island, and I think you are the hairy baby-maker. Pat Mustard: Oh, yeah? Well, I think that you would need proof if you were going to make that sort of an accusation. And I'm a very careful man, Father. A very careful man! Father Ted: Except when it comes to taking precautions in the bedroom. Pat Mustard: Ah, w-... you certainly wouldn't be advising the use of artificial contraception now, Father, would you? Father Ted: Yes, I... well... if you're going to be... of course you will... JUST FECK OFF!
Father Ted: Dougal, you can't sit around here watching television all day - chewing gum for the eyes! Father Dougal: Oh no thanks Ted, I've got these crisps, here.
Father Ted: That's the great thing about Catholicism - it's very vague and no-one knows what its really all about.
Mrs Doyle: What would you say to a cup father? [offers him a cup of tea] Father Jack Hackett: FECK OFF, CUP!
2 Days in Paris | 4. Jul 2009 @ 14:39 |
Marion: There's a moment in life where you can't recover any more from another break-up. And even if this person bugs you sixty percent of the time, well you still can’t live without him. And even if he wakes you up every day by sneezing right in your face, well you love his sneezes more than anyone else's kisses.
Jack: Can I use this thermometer? [puts it in the mouth] Marion: I usually don't use this one in the mouth. I mean... Jack: Oh, come on! What is wrong with you? Marion: What? It's a french thermometer. Jack: Are you 5? You still use the thermometer up your ass?
Marion: It's not your dick that's too big for French condoms. It's your ego that's too big for French condoms. And... and Italian, too.
Cornelia Bullock: You can't go on like this forever. You really like me and you're afraid to admit it, aren't you? Godfrey: You want me to tell you what I REALLY think of you? Cornelia Bullock: Please do. Godfrey: As Smith or as a butler? Cornelia Bullock: Choose your own weapon. Godfrey: You won't hold it against me? Cornelia Bullock: It's your day off. Godfrey: Very well. You belong to that unfortunate category that I would call the "Park Avenue brat". A spoiled child who's grown up in ease and luxury... who's always had her own way... and who's misdirected energies are so childish that they hardly deserve the comment, even of a butler on his off Thursday.
Angelica Bullock: Oh, Alexander, you missed all the excitement. Alexander Bullock: What's going on? Angelica Bullock: Oh, let me see. I knew what it was I wanted to say, but somehow it slipped my mind. Alexander Bullock: What's the matter with Irene? Angelica Bullock: Oh, yes, that's it. Irene's got herself engaged! Alexander Bullock: To whom? Angelica Bullock: Oh, I don't know, Van something-or-other. I think he's the boy with his arm around that girl in pink. He's got lots of money. Alexander Bullock: Well, he'll need it.
Angelica Bullock: You mustn't come between Irene and Godfrey. He's the first thing she's shown any affection for since her pomeranian died last summer.
Angelica Bullock: If you're going to be rude to my daughter, you might as well at least take your hat off!
Angelica Bullock: What happened, what did you say to Carlo? Alexander Bullock: I said goodbye. Angelica Bullock: Did he go? Alexander Bullock: Yes he left very hurriedly through the side window
Irene: I went to Venice, and one night I went for a ride in one of those rowboats that the man pushes with a stick. Not a matador. That was in Spain. But something like a matador. Godfrey: Do you, by any chance, mean a gondolier? Irene: That was the name of the boat!
Irene: You have a wonderful sense of humor. I wish I had a sense of humor, but I can never think of the right thing to say until everybody's gone home.
Blake: Take a look at the dizzy old gal with the goat. Alexander Bullock: I've had to look at her for 20 years - that's MRS. Bullock! Blake: I'm terribly sorry! Alexander Bullock: How do you think I feel?
Philip Marlowe: Nobody cares but me. Terry Lennox: Well that's you, Marlowe. You'll never learn, you're a born loser. Philip Marlowe: Yeah, I even lost my cat.
[Augustine has found a $5000 bill in Marlowe's pocket] Marty Augustine: What's that? Philip Marlowe: A picture of James Madison. Marty Augustine: It's a $5000 bill. Philip Marlowe: I know. Marty Augustine: Where'd you get this? Philip Marlowe: A box of crackerjacks, came as a prize.
» (No Subject) |
Countess Alexandrovna: You are the greatest lover I've ever had. Boris: Well, I practice a lot when I'm alone.
Mother: He'll go and he'll fight, and I hope they will put him in the front lines. Boris: Thanks a lot, Mom. My mother, folks.
Sonja: There are many different kinds of love, Boris. There's love between a man and a woman; between a mother and son... Boris: Two women. Let's not forget my favorite.
Boris: We have to take our possessions and flee. I'm very good at that. I was the men's freestyle fleeing champion two years in a row.
Sonja: What are you suggesting, passive resistance? Boris: No, I'm suggesting active fleeing.
Sonja: Oh, Boris, I'm so unhappy. Boris: Ohh, I wish you weren't. Sonja: Voskovec and I quarrel frequently. I've become a scandal. Boris: Poor Sonja. Sonja: For the past weeks, I've visited Seretski in his room Boris: Why? What's in his room? Oh... Sonja: And before Seretski, Aleksei, and before Aleksei, Alegorian, and before Alegorian, Asimov, and... Boris: Okay! Sonja: Wait, I'm still on the A:s. Boris: How many lovers do you have? Sonja: In the mid-town area?

18. Mar 2009 @ 23:00
» Fawlty Towers |
Basil: [to nurse] Don't touch me! I don't know where you've been. [Gets put back into bed] My god, you're ugly! Nurse: I'll go and fetch the doctor. Basil: It's not a doctor, it's a plastic surgeon you need dear. (from the Episode "The Germans")
Sybil about her mother's phobias: "She's a worrier. She has these, well, morbid fears they are really...vans is one...rats, doorknobs, birds, open spaces...confined spaces, it's very difficult getting the space right for her really, you know...Footballs, bicycles, cows..and she's always on about men following her..I don't know what she thinks they're going to do to her....vomit on her, Basil says..." (from the Episode "The Psychiatrist")
Basil: There is your bath. Mrs Richards: You call that a bath? It's not big enough to drown a mouse. It's disgraceful. Basil: [muttering to himself] I wish you were a mouse, I'd show you. (from the Episode "Communication Problems")
Viens no labākajiem britu TV sitcom Fawlty Towers.

12. Jun 2008 @ 22:53
» Desperado |
Short Bartender: What do you want? Buscemi: Beer Short Bartender: All I got is piss-warm chango. Buscemi: That's my brand. Oh, this is damn good! Say, this is the best beer I've ever had. Actually, I'm just glad to be alive right now. I was up a few towns away... you know Saragosa? I was visiting a bar there, not unlike this one. They serve beer... not quite as good as this, but close. And I saw something you wouldn't believe. (..) So, I'm sitting there. And in walks the biggest Mexican I have ever seen. Big as shit. Just walks right in like he owns the place. And nobody knew quite what to make of him... or quite what to think. There he was and in he walked. He was dark too. I don't mean dark-skinned. No, this was different. It was if he was always walking in a shadow. I mean every step he took toward the light, just when you thought his face was about to be revealed... it wasn't. It was as if the lights dimmed, just for him.
El Mariachi: Carolina, did I thank you? Carolina: No. El Mariachi: I will.

27. Sep 2007 @ 23:18
» Bridget Jones's Diary |
[answering phone] - Bridget Jones, wanton sex goddess, with a very bad man between her thighs… Mom… Hi.

16. Aug 2007 @ 20:09
» Little Miss Sunshine |
Richard: There's two kinds of people in this world, there's winners and there's loosers. Okay, you know what the difference is? Winners don't give up.
Grandpa: A real loser is someone who's so afraid of not winning he doesn't even try.
Grandpa: You go to one of those places, there's four women for every guy. Can you imagine what that's like? Frank: You must have been very busy. Grandpa: Ho oh. I had second degree burns on my johnson, I kid you not.

11. Aug 2007 @ 21:10
» Sliding Doors |
Lydia: I'm a woman. We don't say what we want, but we reserve the right to be pissed off if we don't get it.

10. Aug 2007 @ 20:49
» Pulp Fiction |
Fabienne: Who's Zed? Butch: Zed's dead, baby, Zed's dead...

9. Aug 2007 @ 15:09