Cornelia Bullock: You can't go on like this forever. You really like me and you're afraid to admit it, aren't you? Godfrey: You want me to tell you what I REALLY think of you? Cornelia Bullock: Please do. Godfrey: As Smith or as a butler? Cornelia Bullock: Choose your own weapon. Godfrey: You won't hold it against me? Cornelia Bullock: It's your day off. Godfrey: Very well. You belong to that unfortunate category that I would call the "Park Avenue brat". A spoiled child who's grown up in ease and luxury... who's always had her own way... and who's misdirected energies are so childish that they hardly deserve the comment, even of a butler on his off Thursday.
Angelica Bullock: Oh, Alexander, you missed all the excitement. Alexander Bullock: What's going on? Angelica Bullock: Oh, let me see. I knew what it was I wanted to say, but somehow it slipped my mind. Alexander Bullock: What's the matter with Irene? Angelica Bullock: Oh, yes, that's it. Irene's got herself engaged! Alexander Bullock: To whom? Angelica Bullock: Oh, I don't know, Van something-or-other. I think he's the boy with his arm around that girl in pink. He's got lots of money. Alexander Bullock: Well, he'll need it.
Angelica Bullock: You mustn't come between Irene and Godfrey. He's the first thing she's shown any affection for since her pomeranian died last summer.
Angelica Bullock: If you're going to be rude to my daughter, you might as well at least take your hat off!
Angelica Bullock: What happened, what did you say to Carlo? Alexander Bullock: I said goodbye. Angelica Bullock: Did he go? Alexander Bullock: Yes he left very hurriedly through the side window
Irene: I went to Venice, and one night I went for a ride in one of those rowboats that the man pushes with a stick. Not a matador. That was in Spain. But something like a matador. Godfrey: Do you, by any chance, mean a gondolier? Irene: That was the name of the boat!
Irene: You have a wonderful sense of humor. I wish I had a sense of humor, but I can never think of the right thing to say until everybody's gone home.
Blake: Take a look at the dizzy old gal with the goat. Alexander Bullock: I've had to look at her for 20 years - that's MRS. Bullock! Blake: I'm terribly sorry! Alexander Bullock: How do you think I feel?