| 27. Mar 2009 @ 00:02  |
Philip Marlowe: Nobody cares but me. Terry Lennox: Well that's you, Marlowe. You'll never learn, you're a born loser. Philip Marlowe: Yeah, I even lost my cat.
[Augustine has found a $5000 bill in Marlowe's pocket] Marty Augustine: What's that? Philip Marlowe: A picture of James Madison. Marty Augustine: It's a $5000 bill. Philip Marlowe: I know. Marty Augustine: Where'd you get this? Philip Marlowe: A box of crackerjacks, came as a prize.
"The Long Goodbye" - Nothing says goodbye like a bullet.
neesmu gan redzējusi, bet teksti labi :)
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Ak, jā, un Arnolds Švarcnēgers, kura uzdevums filmā ir labi izskatīties un galvenais - nerunāt:0