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About Jaunākais

12 стульев (мини-сериал, 1976)21. Dec 2013 @ 09:11
— А вот здесь варим кашку для старушек.
— На машинном масле?
— Ну что вы! На чистом сливочном! Кредиты, конечно, отпускают в недостаточном количестве... Но старушки кушают! И с большим удовольствием!
(И.Ильф, Е.Петров. «Двенадцать стульев»)
12 стульев

My Dinner with Andre (1981)23. Dec 2012 @ 16:06
Andre Gregory to Wally Shawn: We're bored. We're all bored now. But has it ever occurred to you, Wally, that the process that creates this boredom that we see in the world now, may very well be a self perpetuating, unconscious form of brainwashing created by a world totalitarian government based on money and that all of this is much more dangerous than one thinks, and its not just a question of individual survival, Wally, but that somebody who's bored is asleep, and somebody who's asleep will not say no?

My Dinner with Andre - video

My Dinner with Andre - info

Курьер (1986)30. Okt 2012 @ 23:07

— Степан Афанасьевич, какое у вас самое заветное желание?
— Ну… Чтобы в Московской области атмосферное давление не падало ниже 740 градусов.
— Это еще зачем?
— Рыба лучше клюёт.
— А вот я бы загадала желание, чтобы выйти замуж за японца.
— Почему за японца-то?
— У них технология самая передовая.
— А ты, Вань?
— А я мечтаю, чтоб коммунизм на всей земле победил.

Padomju sapnis 1 (video)

- Я хочу сказать, о чем я мечтаю! Я мечтаю быть очень красивой, чтобы нравиться всем мужчинам, и еще я хочу ехать в красивой спортивной машине, чтобы на мне был длинный алый шарф, а на сиденье рядом — магнитофон и маленькая собачка. Это честно.

Padomju sapnis 2 (video)

Kurjers (1986) - info

Эй, ты, птичка...6. Okt 2012 @ 21:50
– Э-э-э-э-эй, я же сказал полетели, а не побежали. Ты что, летать разучился?
– Я и не умел. 

12. Feb 2012 @ 22:49
Louise: So what happened, were you bored in Manchester?
Johnny: Was I bored? No, I wasn't fuckin' bored. I'm never bored. That's the trouble with everybody - you're all so bored. You've had nature explained to you and you're bored with it, you've had the living body explained to you and you're bored with it, you've had the universe explained to you and you're bored with it, so now you want cheap thrills and, like, plenty of them, and it doesn't matter how tawdry or vacuous they are as long as it's new as long as it's new as long as it flashes and fuckin' bleeps in forty fuckin' different colors. So whatever else you can say about me, I'm not fuckin' bored.

Louise: What are you doing here? You look like shit.
Johnny: I'm just tryin' to blend in with the surroundings.
Other entries
» (No Subject)
Rémy: We've been everything: separatists, supporters of independantists, sovereignists, sovereignity-associanists...
Pierre: At first, we were existentialists.
Dominique: We read Sartre and Camus.
Claude: Then Fanon, we became anti-colonialists.
Rémy: We read Marcuse and became Marxists.
Pierre: Marxist-Leninists.
Alessandro: Trotskyists.
Diane: Maoists.
Rémy: After Solzhenitsyn we changed, we became structuralists.
Pierre: Situationists.
Dominique: Feminists.
Claude: Deconstructionists.
Pierre: Is there an -ism we haven't worshipped?
Claude: Cretinism.
» Обыкновенное чудо

А кто нынче хорош?

Вот сегодня, например, вижу, летит бабочка.

Головка крошечная. Безмозглая.

Крылышками бяк-бяк-бяк. Ну, дура дурой.

Воробышек тоже не лучше.

Береза - тупица. Дуб - осел.

Речка - кретинка. Облака - идиоты.

Лошади - предатели.

Люди - мошенники.

А что делать? Весь мир таков, что стесняться нечего.

Песня Миронова

"Обыкновенное чудо"

» Klāvs - Mārtiņa dēls (1970)
Kolhoza sapulce.

Klāvs: Un vispār - man ir taisnība!

Vecais kolhoznieks Beņuks: Tu sēdi vilcienā. Pa logu izskatās – telefona stabi skrien atpakaļ. Tāpat ar tavu taisnību. Tu saki – stabi kustas, mēs sakām – vagons kustas, bet zeme – zeme stāv uz vietas, es, es jūsiem teikšu, vot! Saproti, rakars.

Klāvs - Mārtiņa dēls (info)

Par taisnību - epizode no k/f Klāvs - Mārtiņa dēls (1970) (video)
» Aveņu vīns (1984)
Majors Ģirts: Te tev īsta muiža. Tev droši vien Amerikā dzīvo kāda bagāta tante. Ja tu nebūtu man draugs, tu būtu man klients.

Haralds: Un vēl tur [Bulgārijā] dod kafiju, jā. Kad izdara iepirkumus, dod turku kafiju, smiltīs vārītu, ar 50 gramiem konjaka.
Majors Ģirts: Jūs sen tur bijāt?
Haralds: Nē, Bulgārijā es nekad neesmu bijis. Un Juri arī es neesmu noslepkavojis.

Irēna: Lai es svešā mājā gulētu ar kādu vienā gultā! Turklāt vēl ar vairākiem.
Majors Ģirts: Interesanti.
Irēna: Vai ne? Un vispār, es nevienu neredzēju un nevienu nesatiku.
Majors Ģirts: Žēl. Ļoti žēl.
Irēna: Kāpēc?
Majors Ģirts: Tāpēc, ka Jums nav alibi.
Irēna (paskatās spogulī): Kas man nav?
Majors Ģirts: Jums nav alibi. Pirmkārt. Un otrkārt, Irēna. Nu kāda vella pēc Jūs smēķējat?
Irēna: Man ir gan alibi. Un tieši tāpēc. Kad es biju tukšajā istabā, es redzēju kaut ko tādu...

... tālāk ... )

Aveņu vīns (info)

Aveņu vīns (video)
» How To Deal [2003]
- I think I like you too much already to actually go out with you.
- What kind of logic is that?
- It's logical logic. The quickest way to ruin a relationship with someone is to actually try and have a relationship with them.

» Keinohrhasen [2007]
"Kein Typ auf der Welt kann dich glücklich machen, wenn du es nicht schon vorher bist. Du musst dich selber drum kümmern, dass du glücklich wirst. Es ist purer Egoismus, wenn du den ganzen Tag zu Hause frustriert rumsitzt und von jemand anderem erwartest, dass er dich permanent glücklich macht. Außerdem ist es doch normal dass man auch mal unglücklich ist. Ich laufe ja auch nicht den ganzen Tag rum und sag' - Hey, das Leben ist geil!"

» Elizabethtown [2005]
- ... that's what they say.
- I've always wondered this. Who are "they"?
- You know, "them."
- "Them."
- The inimitable collective "them."
- And who says we're supposed to listen to them?
- They do!


"I'm impossible to forget, but I'm hard to remember."


» О чем говорят мужчины
А вот взять вопрос «Зачем?». Когда я говорю ей: «Поехали ко мне», а она мне: «Зачем?», вот объясни, что я ей должен отвечать? Ведь у меня дома не боулинг, не кинотеатр. Если скажу: «Займемся раз-два любовью, мне точно будет хорошо, тебе — может быть, а дальше ты можешь остаться, но лучше, чтобы уехала». Она же точно не поедет, хотя прекрасно понимает, что мы едем именно за этим. И я говорю: «Поехали ко мне, у меня прекрасная коллекция лютневой музыки XVI века».

- Раньше мне родители что-то запрещали, сейчас — жена. Когда я уже повзрослею?

- Получается, взрослых нет! Есть постаревшие дети. Лысые, больные, седые… Мальчики и девочки…

... tālāk ... )
» vai ir iespējams neskatīties filmu, kas sākas ar šādu textu?!
'My favorite children's book is about a little prince who came to earth from a distant asteroid. He meets a pilot, whose plane has crashed in a desert. The little prince teaches the pilot many things, but mainly about love. My father always told me I was like the little prince, but after I met Adam I realized I was the pilot all along.'

/from 'Adam' [2009]/

some more quotes:

- These are all pictures of stars and galaxies that have been traveling away from us for hundreds of millions or billions of years. But that's still nearby compared to most of the universe that we'll never see.
- Never?
- Well, things that move apart faster than light can't ever see one another because the light from one never catches up to the other. After the Big Bang the expansion of the universe slowed down. But then, after seven billion years for some reason it speeded up again and it's been speeding up ever since. Someday everything you see here will disappear forever. And eventually the night sky will be almost completely dark.

* * *

- Didn't anyone tell you and mom that only children are emotional retards spoilt, too trusting and unequipped to cope?

* * *

» Closer [2004]
- Everybody wants to be happy.
- Depressives don't. They want to be unhappy to confirm they're depressed. If they were happy they couldn't be depressed anymore. They'd have to go out into the world and live. Which can be depressing.

* * *

It's a bunch of sad strangers photographed beautifully, and... all the glittering assholes who appreciate art say it's beautiful 'cause that's what they wanna see. But the people in the photos are sad, and alone... But the pictures make the world seem beautiful, so... the exhibition is reassuring which makes it a lie, and everyone loves a big fat lie.

* * *

» nesmieklīga eksistenciāla komēdija "Naked" ar brīnišķo Dawid Thewlis galvenajā lomā
Louise: How did you get here?
Johnny: Well, basically, there was this little dot, right? And the dot went bang and the bang expanded. Energy formed into matter, matter cooled, matter lived, the amoeba to fish, to fish to fowl, to fowl to frog, to frog to mammal, the mammal to monkey, to monkey to man, amo amas amat, quid pro quo, memento mori, ad infinitum, sprinkle on a little bit of grated cheese and leave under the grill till Doomsday.

Johnny: [while reading the Bible] Fuckin' hell, why *hast* thou forsaken me? Bastard.

Brian: Would you like a mint?
Johnny: Is this a new policy? Ply the culprit with menthol?

Johnny: I used to be a werewolf, but I'm all right no-OOWWWWWWWWWW!

Brian [guard]: What are you doing here?
Johnny: Well, I was standing over *there*, but that didn't seem to be working out for me, so I moved over here, but this one isn't much better.

Louise: What are you doing here? You look like shit.
Johnny: I'm just tryin' to blend in with the surroundings.
» Shutter Island [2010]
'And if I say that I'm not crazy - well, that hardly helps, does it? That's the Kafkaesque of it all. If you're not crazy, but people have told the world that you are.. well, then, all your protests to the contrary just underscore their point. [...] once you're declared insane, then anything you do is called part of that insanity. Your reasonable protests are called "denial". Ypur valid fears are called "paranoia". Your survival instincts are labeled "defense mechanisms". It's a no-win situation.'

* * *

'Forgive me, what does not provoke you? remarks, words, … and of course memories, dreams. Did you know that the word ‘trauma’ comes from the Greek for wound? And what is the German word for dream? ‘Traum. Albtraum.’ Wounds can create monsters. And you – you are wounded, Marshal.'

* * *

'Which would be worse, to live as a monster or to die as a good man?'

* * *

'- God's gift. The violence. When I came downstairs and saw a tree in my living room, it reached for me like a diving hand. God loves violence.
- I hadn't noticed.
- Sure you have. Why else would there be so much of it? It's in us, what we are - we wage war, we burn sacrifices, we pillage and plunder and tear at the flesh of our brothers. And why? Because God gave us violence to wage in his honor.'

[nav 1:1 ar filmu.. tos, kurus neiegaumēju precīzi - paņēmu no scenārija 1.ā varianta, bet doma vnlg saglabājas]

» the horse`s mouth (1958)
Constable: Mr. Jimson?
Gulley Jimson: No. That's my first cousin, once removed, an artist who's always getting into trouble with the police. He just went up the road. Shall I call him back?
Constable: Have you just sent a telephone message of a threatening character to Mr. Hickson of Portland Place?
Gulley Jimson: I only said I'd burn his house down and cut his liver out.
Constable: Now he doesn't want to prosecute, but if you go on making a nuissance of yourself, well, he's gonna have to take steps.
Gulley Jimson: Would he rather I cut his liver out without phoning?
Constable: Now, come now, Mr. Jimson. Put yourself in his place.
Gulley Jimson: I wish I could. It's a very nice place.

Gulley Jimson: It could happen to anyone, dear. All the greatest artists got their squares wrong. Numbers were invented by Arabs who hate art.

Gulley Jimson: Go and do something sensible, like shooting yourself! But don't be an artist!

Gulley Jimson: yes, yes, i am an artist. and you are a very sweet kid. now go and get me some spirits [kamēr groopy-puika tiešām skrien pakaļ šmigai, GJ nosper viņa veļļuku un aizbrauc prom]
» Inside I'm Dancing [2004]
Rory: Take a letter, Michael. To Dublin City Council. "Dear Sir or Madam. As wheelchair users with suicidal intentions, we must protest at a lack of facilities. None of the bridges are equipped with easy parapet access, thus curtailing the rights of the disabled to throw themselves in. Yours in disgust, Rory Gerard O'Shea and Michael Connolly."

» Up in the Air [2009]
Alex: He broke up with you over text message?!
[... ]
Alex: What a weasely prick!
Ntalie: Yeah, but what does that make me? Someone who falls for a prick.
Alex: We all fall for them. Pricks are spontaneous, unpredictable and fun. And then we're surprised when they turn out to be pricks.

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