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vai ir iespējams neskatīties filmu, kas sākas ar šādu textu?! | 1. Maijs 2010 - 19:32 |
'My favorite children's book is about a little prince who came to earth from a distant asteroid. He meets a pilot, whose plane has crashed in a desert. The little prince teaches the pilot many things, but mainly about love. My father always told me I was like the little prince, but after I met Adam I realized I was the pilot all along.'/from 'Adam' [2009]/  some more quotes:
- These are all pictures of stars and galaxies that have been traveling away from us for hundreds of millions or billions of years. But that's still nearby compared to most of the universe that we'll never see. - Never? - Well, things that move apart faster than light can't ever see one another because the light from one never catches up to the other. After the Big Bang the expansion of the universe slowed down. But then, after seven billion years for some reason it speeded up again and it's been speeding up ever since. Someday everything you see here will disappear forever. And eventually the night sky will be almost completely dark.
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- Didn't anyone tell you and mom that only children are emotional retards spoilt, too trusting and unequipped to cope?
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