| 18. Mar 2009 @ 23:00  |
Countess Alexandrovna: You are the greatest lover I've ever had. Boris: Well, I practice a lot when I'm alone.
Mother: He'll go and he'll fight, and I hope they will put him in the front lines. Boris: Thanks a lot, Mom. My mother, folks.
Sonja: There are many different kinds of love, Boris. There's love between a man and a woman; between a mother and son... Boris: Two women. Let's not forget my favorite.
Boris: We have to take our possessions and flee. I'm very good at that. I was the men's freestyle fleeing champion two years in a row.
Sonja: What are you suggesting, passive resistance? Boris: No, I'm suggesting active fleeing.
Sonja: Oh, Boris, I'm so unhappy. Boris: Ohh, I wish you weren't. Sonja: Voskovec and I quarrel frequently. I've become a scandal. Boris: Poor Sonja. Sonja: For the past weeks, I've visited Seretski in his room Boris: Why? What's in his room? Oh... Sonja: And before Seretski, Aleksei, and before Aleksei, Alegorian, and before Alegorian, Asimov, and... Boris: Okay! Sonja: Wait, I'm still on the A:s. Boris: How many lovers do you have? Sonja: In the mid-town area?
"Love and Death" ?
vajadzētu noskatīties, kaut vai Woody Allen dēļ :)
Tā filma ir ekselenta kaut vai tā iemesla dēļ, ka Latviešiem un Latvijai Krievu literatūra ir diezgan tuva, kā rezultātā šis darbs iegūst īpaši personisku vēstījumu :)