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tas ir šādā raksta nosaukumā - The Political Quandary of Barack Obama
From: [info]po Date: 6. Jūnijs 2011 - 14:50 (Pastāvīgā saite)
neizpratne, apmulsums, apjukums, neskaidrība....
rasbainieks From: [info]rasbainieks Date: 6. Jūnijs 2011 - 14:56 (Pastāvīgā saite)
šķiet, ka jā. ja vien tev labāk netīk "delikāta situācija" vai kā tāda atvasinājums :)
citās valodās arī tulko kā dilemmu:
jim From: [info]jim Date: 6. Jūnijs 2011 - 14:57 (Pastāvīgā saite)
"krustceles"! :)
From: [info]tiesibsargs Date: 6. Jūnijs 2011 - 15:16 (Pastāvīgā saite)
ok, pilnai skaidrībai iekopēju nelielu daļu no raksta

"The Political Quandary of Barack Obama"

The President of the United States is considered to be the most powerful single individual in the modern world. What Barack Obama is learning to his chagrin is that he still has enormous power to do harm. But he has virtually no power to do good. I think he realizes this, and doesn't know what he can do about it. The fact is that there is very little he can do about it.

Take his biggest single concern at the moment - the second Arab revolt. He didn't start it. He was obviously taken by surprise when it began, as was almost everyone else. His immediate response was to think, correctly, that it posed great dangers to the already shaky geopolitical order in the region. The United States sought in every way it could to limit the damage, maintain its own position, and restore "order." One can't say that the United States has been very successful. Every day in every way the situation has become more disorderly and beyond the control of the United States.

Barack Obama is by conviction and by personality the quintessential centrist. He seeks dialogue and compromise between "extremes." He acts with due reflection, and makes major decisions prudently. He is in favor of slow, orderly change - change that doesn't threaten the basic system of which he is not merely a part but the ordained central figure and most powerful single player.

He is today constrained on all sides from playing this role. Nonetheless, he continues to try to play it. He is obviously saying to himself, what else can I possibly do? What happens, as a result, is that other players (including those who were once upon a time his subordinate allies) defy him openly, and shamelessly, and get away with it - diminishing his power further.

Netanyahu addresses the U.S. Congress, which enthusiastically and endlessly applauds his dangerous self-interested nonsense as though he were George Washington reincarnated. It was a direct slap in the face of Barack Obama, even though Obama had already, in speaking to AIPAC, withdrawn de facto his timid attempt to propose the 1967 Israel/Palestine borders as the basis of a solution.
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