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Tulka / tulkotāja rokasgrāmata - liminal
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From: [info]anna Date: 23. Februāris 2010 - 00:02 (Pastāvīgā saite)
All rites are in the final analysis like passage rites which are composed of three states: separation/the pre-liminal, the liminal and aggregation/post liminal.
The liminal state is transgressive in nature, it is anti-structural. "Temporary antinomic liberation from behaviour norms and cognitive rules places participants outside the bounds of structural constraints." Li minality is very closely related to free play. Ritual liminality opens up a space in which participants are free to formulate a potentially unlimited series of alternative social arrangements. In the liminal state, a new
reality is in the process of negotiation, and the participants are
baptized directly in the creative force of nature alive but once socially suppressed within each participant.
ieva From: [info]ieva Date: 23. Februāris 2010 - 01:28 (Pastāvīgā saite)
jā jau paspēju sadzerties, neko vairs nesaprotu :P bet pirmā doma, kas man bija, kad vēl pamanījos uzdot tev jautājumu par kontekstu, bija "robežstāvoklis".
From: [info]anna Date: 23. Februāris 2010 - 02:54 (Pastāvīgā saite)
paldies! laikam jau ir tā, kā watt teica, ka tas ir robežstāvoklis starp zemapziņu un bezapziņu.
From: [info]marta_trauma Date: 24. Februāris 2010 - 00:10 (Pastāvīgā saite)
kāda ir atšķirība starp zemapziņu un bezapziņu?
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