psihs ([info]psihs) rakstīja [info]gribam_zinaat kopienā,
@ 2013-03-27 19:13:00

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cik mēnešus/gadus vidēji cilvēks var izdzīvot ēdot tikai spermu (atļauts dzert tikai ūdeni)?

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2013-03-28 01:49 (saite)
Each teaspoon of ejaculate has about 5 - 7 calories and some 200 - 500 million sperm. Since sperm make up only about 1 percent of semen, what accounts for the other 99 percent? Well, its other ingredients include:

Fructose sugar
Ascorbic acid (a.k.a., vitamin C)
Citric acid
Phosphate and bicarbonate buffers (bases)

tātad, aptuveni rēķinot -
1l spermas = 1000ml /5ml * 6cal = 1200 kalorijas

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