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@ 2006-10-27 17:07:00

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Ovechkin love
Arī Kanādas prese beidzot ir sākusi mīlēt Ovečkinu un, sekojot Terija Freja piemēram, arī gaužas par to, ka redz Ovečkinu tikai reizi trijos gados.

First, a Monarch Butterfly from Canada somehow shows up in England. Now this.

An exotic, exciting, never-before-seen-here species was sighted yesterday in B.C.'s Lower Mainland.

It was a hockey player, but a strange one. He possesses explosive speed, an equally dynamic shot, the ability to drive Colorado Avalanche defencemen through the glass and pucks into the net while prostrate, Ringo Starr's haircut from 1963, a double-black-diamond ski slope for a nose and a disarming smile through which he tells bad jokes in two languages.

Witnesses in Burnaby, a suburb of Vancouver, were initially confounded by the subject's sudden appearance, but investigators were able to identify him as Alexander Ovechkin of the Washington Capitals.

Naturalists were mystified how such a creature made it to the West Coast to play the Vancouver Canucks tonight at GM Place, but the migration was apparently caused by an imbecilic, short-sighted National Hockey League schedule that calls for players from the Eastern Conference to be spotted in each Western city only once every three years.

Ovechkin, arguably the most dynamic player to enter the NHL since Pavel Bure arrived nearly a generation ago, has been in the league for 13 months and 57 goals and makes his Vancouver debut tonight. Be thankful.

After scoring a goal, missing a penalty shot and rocking Avalanche defenceman Karlis Skrastins hard enough to shatter the glass, Ovechkin limped off the ice Wednesday night in Denver when he was drilled in the leg by teammate Shaone Morrisonn's slapshot.

Had Ovechkin been unable to play the Canucks, Vancouver fans wouldn't have seen him again until, possibly, 2010, which would be about 200 goals, a Rocket Richard Trophy, Art Ross Trophy and Hart Trophy from now.

Vairāk šeit.

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2006-10-27 19:07 (saite)
Sport Ekspress reiz rakstīja par to, ka bez Ovečkina Vašingtonā netiek atklāts neviens puslīdz nopietns pasākums. Šajā sakarā tika izteiktas aizdomas, ka ja tā turpināsies, tad pēc zināma laika Ovečkins jaunajam ASV prezidentam arī svinīgi pasniegs Baltā nama atslēgas.

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