Par D vitamīnu. |
[Nov. 8th, 2024|08:21 pm] |
Aizmaldījos pa internetiem līdz podkāstam par D vitamīnu. 2 Doktori apgalvo, ka D vitamīna, kurš nemaz nav vitamīns, jo mēs paši labi varam to saražot, iedod tikai nedaudz saules gaismas, avitaminoze ir reti sastopama un D vitamīna lietošana nav zinātniski pamatota, bet industrijas izdomājums. Video komentos attiecīgi doktori tika nolikti, ka runājot muļķības. Tas man lika pameklēt pētījumus par tēmu. Neatradu pārliecinošus datus par D vitamīna lietošanas vajadzību. D vitamīns esot vispārējās veselības rādītājs, kura līmenis katram indivīdam atšķiras. D vitamīna avitaminozei ir konkrēti sāpīgi simptomi. Prikolīgi, bet būtu labāk videospēles spēlējis, nevis galvu jaucis. |
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[Oct. 26th, 2024|04:41 pm] |
"Over-consumption of iron-rich red meat and hereditary or genetic iron overload are associated with an increased risk of colorectal carcinogenesis, yet the mechanistic basis of how metal-mediated signaling leads to oncogenesis remains enigmatic." |
[Aug. 8th, 2024|12:34 pm] |
Nupat visi būs kļuvuši par bioloģijas un ģenētikas speciālistiem. Ja vēl kāds no viņiem tiešām kaut ko saprastu no dzīvnieku fizioloģijas. |
Velo FTW!!!1 |
[Jul. 17th, 2024|08:05 pm] |
"A study of 31,666 commuters over 18 years found that cyclists have lower risks of various health issues: 47% reduction in mortality, 51% less cancer, 24% fewer hospitalizations for cardiovascular diseases, and better mental health conditions" |
[Jul. 17th, 2024|10:37 am] |
Vienā ūdens molekulā ir vairāk ūdeņraža atomu kā zvaigžņu saules sistēmā. |
[Jul. 15th, 2024|06:52 pm] |
此條目為中文。 |
Dienas citāts no reddita dzīlēm |
[Jul. 8th, 2024|01:01 pm] |
"Mitochondria proliferation is limited in the presence of excessive lactate.
Zone 2 builds mitochondria, quality sessions make them more effective. If you want to optimize performance you have to do as much zone 2 as you can recover from." |
Dienas meme |
[Jul. 6th, 2024|12:54 pm] |
[Jul. 6th, 2024|12:29 pm] |
"If the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) has accurately estimated the planet's economically accessible uranium resources, reactors could run more than 200 years at current rates of consumption." "Today there are about 440 nuclear power reactors operating in 32 countries plus Taiwan, with a combined capacity of about 390 GWe. In 2022 these provided 2545 TWh, about 10% of the world's electricity."
Ja es pareizi rēķinu, tad urāns beigtos 20 gadu laikā, ja mēs visu elektrību ražotu ar AES palīdzību. |
Sapnis par SMR izsapņots? |
[Jul. 2nd, 2024|04:53 pm] |
"EdF has run into similar problems with its large scale technology. The Flammanville project in France was announced in 2004 with a budget of €3 billion and a deadline of 2012. It is still not in operation and its costs have soared at least four-fold to €13.2 billion.
The Hinkley C project in the UK has been an even bigger disaster. EdF had promised in 2007 that it would be “cooking Christmas turkeys” in England by 2017, at a cost of £9 billion, but is already delayed to 2031 with a spiralling cost of £48 billion when inflation is taken into account, or $A93 billion."
""Come’on guys, how naive do you take the average Australian voter for?” Buckley wrote.
“In your alternate fact world, who do you think will pay for the permanent around 50% increase in Australian energy prices for consumers? Are you really intent on destroying the international competitiveness of Australian industry purely in the service of your fossil fuel funders?”"
"An overwhelming majority of people aged 18 to 54 thought Peter Dutton’s nuclear energy plan “is just an attempt to extend the life of gas and limit investment in large-scale renewables”, while a majority of those aged over 55 thought the nuclear plan is serious and should be part of the future energy mix, Essential Media’s Peter Lewis wrote." |
Atradu stilīgu definīciju. |
[Jul. 2nd, 2024|04:23 pm] |
"A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals." |
[Jul. 2nd, 2024|04:11 pm] |
Piereģistrējos nākamā gada Rīgas maratonam. |
Tiešām jāpriecājas par francūžiem, izcils vēlēšanu rezultāts /s |
[Jul. 1st, 2024|10:21 am] |
"The far right in France is mainly composed of the Rassemblement National. The RN is the new name of the Front National, a political group created by former SS, collaborationists and nazi sympathizers. With that said it seems obvious why the educated majority of France tries to prevent them access to the government. Although the RN is trying to clean its image and is using TikTok to embrigade young and naive people." |