kad uzzināju par norvēģijas nelaimi, man pirmā doma bija - kur bija helikopteru brigāde? protams, ka atvaļinājumā - jo ir taču vasara. labi vēl, ka netrāpīja svētdienā, jo tad sanāktu grēks.
varbūt, ka visu karu un puču sākšanās augustā ari nav nekāda mistika, bet likumsakarīga: augusts taču ir populārākais atvaļinājumu mēnesis.

It became clear today that due to budget cuts the helicopter was grounded in the “common summer holiday” of 3-4 wks June-July every year in Norway, as well as other holidays. Due to the helicopter being shut down (crew or technical, I don’t know) for the holidays, it took quite some time to get it in the air in this instance, but it was used later in the operation (unknown
when or how).
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