zaļā buržuāzija - November 15th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
judging the mice

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November 15th, 2007

[Nov. 15th, 2007|01:52 am]
tikai nevajag, ja? es esmu īgns un nenovīdīgs!
link4 leņķīši|piemetināt?

just tell me you love me [Nov. 15th, 2007|12:12 pm]
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what's in that hipflask, luv? [Nov. 15th, 2007|05:05 pm]
neliels koncertrevjū jeb atmiņu drusku mozaīka, fjūčering (c) elvis jansons tortoise, trans am, 65daysofstatic un vēl šis tas:

.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. )

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