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Monday, December 2nd, 2024


[ dienasgramata ]
Ko jūs darāt ar mašīnas rokas bremzi? Paraujat, noraujat, pagriežat, iestatāt? kā jūs to sakāt?

(10 comments | ir ko piebilst)


Pēc atgriešanās no došanās kosmosā astronauti nereti ir aprakstījuši unikālas smaržas.

Daži to ir aprakstījuši kā šaujampulveri, metināšanas dūmus, apceptu steiku vai "valriekstu un motocikla bremžu kluču maisījumu".

“Tas man atgādināja manas koledžas vasaras, kad es daudzas stundas strādāju ar metināšanas lodlampu, labojot smago aprīkojumu nelielam mežizstrādes aprīkojumam. Tas man atgādināja patīkami saldi smaržojošus metināšanas dūmus. Tā ir kosmosa smarža."

(1 comment | ir ko piebilst)

Sunday, December 1st, 2024


Robots savvaļā brīžiem runāja tā, ka es pat iegooglēju, vai scenāriju nav rakstījusi sieviete;

Robots par būšanu mammai:

"And I will not leave until I have

completed this task,

which has delayed me, damaged me,

and violated my protocols, potentially

avoiding my warranty."


"I do not have the

programming to be a mother.

No one does.

We just make it up."

(2 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Friday, November 29th, 2024


Bļin, nevaru atrast kā sērčot jūtūbi (drošvien nobloķēts jebkurā gadījumā), bet nesaprotu kā Andy Edwards nav ielicis vismaz iekš "honorable mentions" Humble Pie - Live At Filmore kā vienu no izcilākajām rokgrupas performancēm dzīvajā savā "Best Rock Live Albums" vai kā tur listē. Neticu, ka viņš nezina Stīvu Merriotu un faktu, ka Fremptona virtuozitātes ziedu laiki bija tieši tajā periodā (ar Huble Pie - absolūti underrated heavy rock band), nevis aizejot 'middle-of-the-road', kā viņam pašam patīk apzīmēt, popsīgu garlaicīgu rociņu, periodā.

Tā laikam pleiliste, tākā vajadzības gadījumā jāspiež uz priekšu.

[info]brookings ? Meriots labākais cockney singer ever imo, no?

(ir ko piebilst)


vitāli svarīgs jautājums

Kad mums īsti ir tā melnā piektdiena? Man šķita, ka piektdien, 13. decembrī. Vai arī katru dienu no šodienas līdz 13. decembrim ieskaitot?

(7 comments | ir ko piebilst)


"I can say this. When I was in school, the teachers were all lefties but Reagan and Bush were Presidents through the majority of that time SO they were teaching, "question everything". There was no social media there to re-enforce the status quo through dopamine likes via well placed bots and government ban recommendations. You didn't have every single corporation walking in lock step to the point where they all make their social media accounts gay themed during the summer, nor did you have giant fund managers pushing ESG scores. Shit, I can even remember when Apple's advertising motto was "think different".

It's really not too shocking to see things like "trust the science" and all the labels associated with the status quo followed by the word "denier" if you question things now that the left has had control of most of the government for the majority of the last two decades."

(ir ko piebilst)



(ir ko piebilst)


Are you ready to die for jew, white man?

White House pressing Ukraine to draft 18-year-old men to help fill manpower needs to battle Russia​

President Joe Biden’s administration is urging Ukraine to quickly increase the size of its military by drafting more troops and revamping its mobilisation laws to allow for the conscription of troops as young as 18, reports the Associated Press (AP).

A senior Biden administration official, who spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private consultations, said on Wednesday that the outgoing Democratic administration wants Ukraine to lower the mobilisation age to 18 from the current age of 25 to help expand the pool of fighting age men available to help Ukraine in its nearly three-year-old war with Russia.


(ir ko piebilst)

Thursday, November 28th, 2024


[ dienasgramata ]
Kā sauc to augu, kura zariņus ar ogām izmanto ziemassvētku vainagiem?

(24 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Wednesday, November 27th, 2024


[ piecas_zivis ]

ktulohs un cacis

(4 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Tuesday, November 26th, 2024


[ ulvs ]
Lokalhaus ir ciet. Vai Rīgā kaut kur citur notiek publiskās jam sessions?

(4 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Sunday, November 24th, 2024


[ piecas_zivis ]

mapats ir zazis

(5 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Saturday, November 23rd, 2024


Ievērojam kā bagātie un varenie nekad nav resni. Ēd pilnīgi citu pārtiku, nekā to, ko pārdod plebam. Ļoti šaubos, ka viņi visi tur ir baigie sportisti, vnk nelietot augu eļļas, konservantus u.c. širpatreba indes, kuras tirgo viņu īpašumā esošās korporācijas. Ēd svaigu, tikko no kūts vai pļavas gaļu, kuru cenšas aizliegt/padārdzināt ierindas cilvēkiem.

(20 comments | ir ko piebilst)


mazie saldumuņi sēž pie brokastu galda un dzied: zilonītis gaisā skrēja

(1 comment | ir ko piebilst)

Friday, November 22nd, 2024


[ divas_zosis ]
Zīmju gaidīšana ir bezspēcība.

(ir ko piebilst)

Thursday, November 21st, 2024


Nu jā, processed meats ir slikti tā pat kā jebkas "processed". Visveselīgākā pārtika ir jēla, paša sagatavota gaļa. Ja tiek cepta, tad lopa taukos, nevis augu eļļās vai tml indīgos surogātos. Novārīt droši vien visveselīgāk.

(ir ko piebilst)

Wednesday, November 20th, 2024



To protect and preserve

DNA and its accompanying mechanisms are clearly built to prevent change, to stay the same at all cost. The DNA doesn't just sit naked in the nucleus. It's protected by histones, which split DNA into connected links, protect it from damage, and control its condensation. On a higher level, the DNA is divided into chromosomes, which once again have mechanisms to prevent DNA from corruption. The end sequences of chromosomes are called telomeres and they serve the purpose of a buffer zone, protecting the chromosome DNA from getting damaged at its edges.

When the DNA starts to decondensate for the purpose of replication, the double helix is split into two and each of the strands starts being replicated by DNA polymerase. The polymerase does not just blindly create a complementary chain of DNA, it has a mechanism to control whether the correct nucleotides (smallest units of DNA) are present. If they aren't, the nucleotide is thrown out.

And the show still isn't over. After replication ends there is yet another set of mechanisms that control whether the DNA has been correctly replicated and folded. Topoisomerases control and repair any distortions and loops in the DNA. Nucleotide and base excision repairs once again control and fix any damage.

What I am illustrating here is that the whole mechanism is designed to combat change, which is the supposed driving force of the alleged biological evolution. Notwithstanding that most mutations are either outright damaging or neutral.

What is even more ironic, however, is that the process of small, random mutations slowly changing the genome relies on DNA replication with its elaborate repair mechanisms to begin with. Without these mechanisms, every tenth or so nucleotide would be paired wrongly, therefore the information in the DNA would immediately degenerate and fall apart into nonsense.

How did a completely random and uncontrolled chemical process build a sophisticated network of information based on a coding language (the genetic code with its specific nucleotides etc.) with a whole system designed to control and repair any deviations from the code (not unlike grammar in language or syntax in programming)? Nobody knows, but most biologists will swear up and down that they know it was created by random events. Don't ask them about the specifics though, or they may start to blush.


As a short addendum, I may add that on the macroscopic level, the division of species into two genders defies any Darwinian explanation and explicitly acts against any change in the species. In an asexual cell that simply creates clones of itself, any mutation will be preserved and passed on to future generations. When it comes to sexually reproducing organisms, there will always be alternative alleles inherited from one of the parents that can mitigate and essentially silence a damaged allele inherited from the other parent. Therefore any idea of new complex systems arising randomly (new organs and so on) by distinct parts unintentionally complementing each other is a thousandfold more unfeasible than in a simple asexual organism.

Yet again, we see in sexuality a system that acts against change. It tries to preserve the species as it is.

While some people may think, especially in the modern world, that sexuality is constructed to bring in "new DNA" this is blatantly false to anyone who possesses some understanding of biology. What it is constructed to do is to bring in the undamaged, original DNA. So yes, if you live in a small community that has an endemic disease in it, it's beneficial to bring in new blood. Not because the foreigner has some kind of a new "super" DNA, but because he carries the original, undamaged allele, whereas your tribe has, through devolution and damage, acquired a mutated one.

I may also briefly mention that animals, humans included, prefer to mate with partners of the same stock, who are not their immediate family but also not too distant. Even in the forsaken land of the USA, most marriages are between people of the same race. The mythological idea of divine incest makes perfect sense from a genetical point of view if we accept that the first, pure humans possessed no diseases in their DNA.

The God of gaps?

The atheist front of biologists, headed by Dawkins, likes to bring up the idea that those who oppose the theory of biological evolution do so only by relying on gaps in knowledge.

"We do not know how this could have arisen, therefore God did it."

While there are certainly religious people who think like this, Dawkins does not realize the irony of his statements. The entire evolutionary biology is based on gaps. Dawkins and his followers essentially say this:

"We do not know how this could have arisen, but since we are materialists, it must have been chance."

He nor any other biologist in the world can construct a sequence of mutations and events that would lead to the creation of complex biological systems, some of which I have described above. Neither is there a fossil record showing slow changes over time. Species appear and disappear suddenly from the fossil record. Animals as we know them with their organs and Baupläne, appeared out of nowhere during the Cambrian explosion.

And dare I mention the fact that sequencing of genomes has complicated the supposed evolutionary relationships between species? So much so that in current biology, there is talk of a web of life or a bush of life rather than a "tree of life".

In biology, the C-value paradox designates the conundrum of there being no relationship between the genome size and the complexity of the organism. This is another direct contradiction to the Darwinian theory. The evolutionary expectation is that as the genome of the organism grows (how it could even grow is another mystery by the way), there is more and more space for random mutations. The larger the DNA, the bigger the chance for new random mutations to occur. Therefore you would expect more complex organisms to have way larger genomes that enabled the complex organs to arise by chance. Yet this is not what we see. There are simple single-celled organisms that have larger genomes than humans. Is this not in line with the ancient idea of divine forces acting upon and shaping matter as they see fit?


The idea of biological evolution does not hold up. Neither does the idea of the static creation, upheld by many Abrahamists. Really, the Aryan, pagan idea of there being various subtle forces and beings affecting matter throughout ages explains biological findings the best.

I hope you have taken something from my tangent.

(ir ko piebilst)


[ mapats ]
Hmm. Vai maz pats saproti, ko tiko par sevi uzrakstīji?

(ir ko piebilst)


[ lavendera ]
Vai Xiaomi smart band, ar kuru ielīsts ūdenī, paļaujoties, ka "ierīce ir ūdensizturīga", kaut kur Rīgā ir salabojams? Kur un par cik? Vai ir vērts, ja tam ir jau divi gadi?

(3 comments | ir ko piebilst)


Balts. Izturēs līdz rītam?

(2 comments | ir ko piebilst)

Tuesday, November 19th, 2024


A healthy baby is born.

-Injections administered.
-Ear and other infections develop.
-Baby receives antibiotics and antipyretics.
-More infections and deterioration of health develop.
-Even more and stronger antibiotics and antipyretics
-Allergies and eczema develop
More injections administered
-Asthma and ADHD develop
Steroids and Ritalin prescribed

The mother says thanks to a doctor for helping her baby.

Diezgan sakrīt ar manu bērnību. Hroniskais slimīgums pārgāja pēc tam, kad mani pārstāja "ārstēt".
Sarakstā trūkst
-sexual education administered
-irreversible hormone therapy with later genitalia mutilation op prescribed

(3 comments | ir ko piebilst)


IRL sighting of pedojew

Pēc ilgāka pārtraukuma šodien nācās braukt ar pārbāzto, vienmēr pusstundu kavējošo starppilsētu autobusu. Tur, kamēr pieturā stāvēju garu garajā rindā, ievēroju pirmajā sedeklī pa kreisi sēžam, mazu blondu briļļainu puiku, kaut kur uz 8max10g un blakus, kā man no attāluma un uzzmanīgi neskatoties, likās viņa mamma vai tante ar brūnu platu frizūru. Pieejot tuvāk nesanāca neievērot, ka tante patiesībā ir 25-30 gadu vecs vīrietis ar izteikti semītiskām pazīmēm. Lieli skruļaini mati, liels deguns, liela mute/lūpas, neglīta raupja tumsnēja āda. Visu laiku dīda bērnu, smejas, kaut ko stāsta un ik pēc 10 sekundēm ņem šo pilnā prisoskā un skūpsta riktīgā franču veidā. Autobuss bija pilns un nācās uzreiz spraukties uz otru galu, tāpēc nedzirdēju kādā mēlē pedofils runāja un kā atbildēja zēns, bet bija redzams, ka neraugoties uz pubertātes trūkumu, jaunais jau pieradināts pie šādas uzmanības no vecāka, svešas rases vīrieša.

Būtu bijusi iepsēja, pafilmētu tā monstra izdarības un tad ar kameru rokā pajautātu viņam un viņa grūmējamam vārdus un uzvārdus. Te, atšķirībā no simtiem citu gadījumu, kuru notiek kārtējā kretīniskā latvāņu birokrātija, būtu labs pamats iejaukties sociālajam dienestam, bet iespējams, kriminālpolicijai. Diez vai puikas vecāki tāpat vien atdod savu mazgadīgo uzraudzībā kādam mystery meat kverplim un ja arī tā, tad ir krimināli naivi.

Būtu redzams kas tāds uz tumšas ielas - ar ķieģeli pa pakausi, zābaka dzelzs purnu pa sēklinieku, kamēr tā vairs nav.

(11 comments | ir ko piebilst)

> uz augšu
Sviesta Ciba
hackers counter system