gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2023-10-12 21:22:00

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Yeah, the "chemical imbalance" bullshit theory has finally been completely assblasted. People just don't have a fucking clue about the mechanism behind depression, yet SSRIs are being guzzled down by the population like candy at a kid's party. It's partly the reason why you see so many fucking zombies out there, especially women.

Depression sucks, but especially terrible is the glorification of disease (mostly by people who don't have it to justify their incompetence/ineptness/disinterestedness/whatever), and the mass intake of big pharma products about whose functioning no one has the slightest clue.

Understanding that it's part of a temperament issue (Schopenhauer described it best when he divided the world between Eukoloi and Dyskoloi) is key. People keep looking for some miracle cure, there is none. There is hard work, faith, dedication, and understanding that pain is a part of life.

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2023-10-13 20:49 (saite)
Tev bija apraksts par žīdu sektu, kura dzer kinderu asinis. Vai vari vēlreiz iedot?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2023-10-13 21:33 (saite)
Nevaru atcerēties un neturu tagus, bet pietiek paskatīties par 'blood libel' avotos, kas nav afiliēti ar mūsdienu mediju/akadēmijas 100% jūdisko biasu, tā uzzinām, ka cilvēku upurēšanas tradīcija starp vismaz atsevišķiem jūdu klaniem, ir caurvijusies caur gadsimtiem un tam ir savstarpēji koroborējošas liecības, kas ir no lielāka svara, nekā mūsdienu jūdu raudas iekš JewYourkTimes.
Paskaties 'blood libel' caur yandex un būs daudz dažādu novirzienu stāstu, gan pro gan contra.
Nu un, protams, (varbūt no turienes arī bija par sektu), kas ir labs placdarms tālākai izpētei.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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