gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2023-09-08 20:32:00

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sounds like current_events
These quotes were taken from the "The learned elders of Zion". The document stems from the end of the 19th century. It has to be seen through the lens of that time. Now according to the media back in the day, it was and still is considered a forgery. Assuming it is a forgery, personally it is very masterfully crafted piece if someone by himself could write up such a text. I wonder how current policy would look like for this core group seeking world domination.

We will surround our government by a whole host of
economists. That is the reason why science of economy
is the principal subject taught to the Jews. We will
be surrounded by thousands of bankers, traders, and, what
is still more important, by millionaires, because in reality
everything will be decided by money. Meanwhile, as
long as it is not yet safe to fill government posts with
our brother Jews, we will entrust these important posts.
to people whose record and characters are so bad as to
form a gulf between the nation and themselves, and to
such people who, in case they disobey our orders, may
expect judgment and imprisonment. And all this is
with the object that they should defend our interests
until the last breath has passed out of their bodies.

Let them think that these laws of theory,
with which we have inspired them, are of supreme import-
ance to them. With this object in view, and with the
help of our press, we continually increase their blind faith
in these laws. The educated classes of the Gentiles will
pride themselves in their learning and, without verifying
it, they will put into practice the knowledge obtained from
science which was dished up to them by our agents with
the object of educating their minds in the direction which
we required.

All our newspapers will support different parties—
aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, and even anarchical
—but, of course, only so long as constitutions last. These
newspapers, like the Indian god Vishnu, will be possessed
of hundreds of hands, each of which will be feeling the
pulse of varying public opinion.
When the pulse becomes quick, these hands will incline
this opinion towards our cause, because a nervous subject
is easily led and easily falls under any kind of influence.

The part of liberal idealists will be definitely
terminated when our government is recognised. Until
then they will do us good service. For this reason we will
try to direct the public mind towards every kind of
fantastic theory which could appear progressive or liberal.
It was we who, with complete success, turned the brainless
heads of the Gentiles by our theories of progress towards
socialism; there is not to be found a brain among the
Gentiles which would perceive that in every instance,
behind the word “ progress’’ is hidden a deviation from
the truth, except in such cases where this word refers to
material of scientific discoveries. For there is but one
true teaching, and in it there is no room for “ progress.”
Progress, like a false idea, serves to conceal the truth.

The institutions of any fresh secret society will be also
punishable by death; but those secret societies which
exist at the present time and which are known to us,
which are serving and have served our purpose, we will
dismiss and exile their members to remote parts of the
world. Such is the manner in which we will deal with
any Gentile Freemasons who may know more than will
suit our convenience. Such masons whom we may for
some reason or other pardon, we shall keep in continual
fear of being sent into exile. We will pass a law which will
condemn all former members of secret societies to be
exiled from Europe, where we shall have the centre of our

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( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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