zyto ([info]zyto) rakstīja,
@ 2013-04-11 00:06:00

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I'm the most hunted person in the world, but f... them cos they wouldn't get me this time! It's only time cause till I will understand the meaning of thing, until that they are powerless, cos time is in my favor! :D

P.S. As I told in my previous life-->> I am on my own and there is no power to stop me, cos I can change the time!

P.P.S If "Crystallized" want to cooperate with me, they need to let me know, otherwise it can be too late... :P

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2014-02-01 02:38 (saite)
Nee, ljoti daudz paarmainjas, paaraak daudz intereses, ka nesanaak ieskriet sheit, bet reizeem paraados. Tos visus Es atshuvu un tgd pagaidaam neesmu vinjiem biistams, tapeec laikam noklusa. Ja netaisiishu muljkjiigus gaajienus, tad klaat netiks, vienk man mazaak runaat vajag cilveekos, vismaz jaapiedomaa kaadu infu driikstu staastiit, kaadu nee... :D

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