Zane ([info]znx) rakstīja,
@ 2003-05-08 21:43:00

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Mūzika:the ark - it takes a fool to remain sane

Pisces is a water sign and extremely receptive. Pisces may glimpse things that are invisible to most signs. It is sensitive to everything around it, and picks up energies and impressions easily. It might even experience these energies as part of itself.

This sensitivity can produce a strong imagination, and sometimes Pisces can withdraw into a world of fantasy and dreams. It is very likely to have a spiritual interest, but can be passive and lacking in self-assertion.

Pisces is no so much concerned with its own needs, and often interested in serving others. It feels a connection between itself and the world around it and is sensitive to the needs of others.

heh.. :)

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2003-05-08 22:15 (saite)
a kas ir par aries? :)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2003-05-08 22:19 (saite)
Aries is full of energy, looking for action and new things to discover, but its intention can change rapidly. Aries likes to be a pioneer, the first to be somewhere or do something. It wants to achieve things, and there is a strong need in Aries to be itself and express itself directly.

Aries is often impatient, lacking in persistence and stamina. Its style is to strike frequently and lightly rather than make a strong, sustained attack. Yet its energy level can be high enough to have the same impact as a more sustained approach.

As a fire sign, Aries puts out energy more easily than it takes it in. It can be very enthusiastic, assertive, and sometimes angry. But its anger is usually short-lived: once the energy has been expressed, the matter is concluded.


(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2003-05-08 23:07 (saite)
+/- that's me :)

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