Yuna ([info]yuna) rakstīja,
@ 2005-01-13 13:28:00

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lets talk
lets talk about you and me, lets talk about sex baby..:))

I'v read a lot about women this time - too much actually.. I thought what if those 50 grams of Tullamor whisky I had in the middle of this fucking thursday is a kind of door to my my essential..
well then i realised that I'm a happy little woman - I have so many things other do not have - I have real friends, whom i can relly on, i have almost a dream job, i have almost a dream b-friend, i am not 25 yet..:)hehe..I do not have so much muney to spoil the taste of WANTING something, but I have enough to make little dreams come true..I have a normal sense of humour, after all..

I am a happy little woman..

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2005-01-13 13:34 (saite)

prieks par Tevi.. :)

keepin it real..

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