Faith Club
Faith Club
- 2018.07.22, 13:28
- Izglītībai ir tāda problēma, ka netiek dots pietiekami daudz konteksta. Ģeogrāfijā, piemēram, varētu mācīt par to kā pasaulē pasta adreses darbojas. Nezināju ka Šveicē ir pilsētiņa ar Vācijas pasta indeksiem (Büsingen).
Piemēram, esmu it kā ekonomiski izglītots, bet visu mūžu esmu nodzīvojis nezinot ka Breton Woods ir tāda pilsētiņa iekš New Hampshire, kurā bija (ir) viesnīciņa, kurā notika ļoti nozīmīgas konferences par jauno pasaules kārtību pēc otrā pasaules kara.
Vēl ir interesanti, ka tagad pa visām šķirbām iekšā nāk vēl jaunāka pasaules (ne)kārtība:
2 rakstair doma
- 2018.07.04, 11:21
- "Global Elite (E1, ~60,000 people worldwide, about 30% of those in the U.S.) are a global social class, and extremely powerful in a trans-national way. These are the very rich, powerful, and deeply uncultured barbarians from all over the world who start wars in the Middle East for sport, make asses of themselves in American casinos, rape ski bunnies at Davos, and run the world. [...] They’re the corporate billionaires and drug kingpins and third-world despots and real estate magnates. They’re not into the genteel, reserved “WASP culture” of E2′s [National Elite], the corporate earnestness and “white shoe” professionalism of E3′s [Elite Servants], or the hypertrophic intellectualism and creativity of G1′s [Cultural Influencers] and G2′s [High Gentry]. They are all about control, and on a global scale. [...] They aren’t mere management or even “executives”. They’re owners. They don’t care what they own, or what direction the world takes, as long as they’re on top. They almost never take official executive positions within large companies, but they make a lot of the decisions behind the scenes.
"Unlike the National Elite, who tend toward a cultural conservatism and a desire to preserve certain traits that they consider necessary to national integrity, the Global Elite doesn’t give a shit about any particular country. They’re fully multinational and view all the world’s political nations as entities to be exploited (like everything else). They foster corruption and crime if it serves their interests, and those interests are often ugly. [...] their reason for living is to create monuments to nonexistence.
"[...] E1 is pretty much objectively evil, without exceptions. There are decent people who are billionaires, so there’s no income or wealth level at which 100% objective evil becomes the norm. But if you climb the social ladder, you get to a level at which it’s all cancer, all the way up. That’s E1. Why is it this way? Because the top end of the world’s elite is a social elite, not an economic one, and you don’t get deep into an elevated social elite unless you are very similar to the center of that cluster, and for the past 10,000 years the center of humanity’s top-of-the-top cluster has always been deep, featureless evil: people who burn peasants’ faces off because it amuses them. [...]
Analysis of current conflict.
"What has made America great, especially from 1933 until now, has been the self-assertion of the Gentry following the defeat of the Elite. The first half of the American Era (1933 to 1973) utterly emasculated the Elite. Their rapacious greed and world-fucking parasitism was repaid with 90-percent tax rates, and they told to consider themselves lucky that it wasn’t full-on socialism (or a violent revolution in which they all died, Paris-1793-style). The so-called “WASP culture” of the E2 class derives many of its norms from the paranoia of that period (when the global elite was very small, and they were the “robber baron” elite). For example, the demand that a house not be visible from the road comes from a time in which that was physically dangerous. This four-decade curtailment of the American Elite, and the more resounding destruction of the European ones, was one of the best things that ever happened to the world. It made the golden age of Silicon Valley possible.
"There are a lot of reasons why this “golden age” of a disempowered Elite was able to occur, but World War II was the biggest of all of them. Future historians will probably regard the two World Wars as one monstrous conflict, with a period of crippling, worldwide economic depression between them. Few disagree with the claim, for example, that the resolution of the First World War led inexorably to the evils of totalitarianism and the Second of these wars. This giant and largely senseless conflict’s causes seem complex – historians are still debating World War I’s inception – but the short version is that the world’s Elites did that. There was a 30-year period of war, famine, poverty, racial pogroms, and misery that existed largely because a network of high-level obligations and horrendous ideas (especially the racism used to justify colonialism, which benefitted the rich of these societies enormously, but sent the poor to die in unjust wars, contract awful diseases for which they had no immunity, and commit atrocities) set the conditions up. After about a hundred million deaths and thirty years of war, societies finally decided, “No More”. They dismantled their Elites vigorously, North American and European nations included. This became the “golden age” of the educated Gentry. In the U.S. (for which the 1950s were a decade of prosperity; in Europe, it was a period of rebuilding and not very prosperous) it was also the “golden age of the middle class”.
"However, the Elite has brought itself back to life. This Gilded Age isn’t as bad as the last one, but it’s heading that way. It started in the late 1970s when the U.S. fell in love again with elitism [...]."
4 rakstair doma
- 2018.06.26, 08:30
- Tas kas šobrīd notiek ar Amerikas pārņemšanu oligarhu rokās (1%) - kas sākās ar publisko pakalpojumu privatizāciju, ar nodokļu samazināšanu bagātniekiem, sociālo programmu griešanu, īstenībā ir process ar vienu mērķi: kā moderno demokrātiju pārvērst atpakaļ par feodālismu un despotismu. Tā ir oligarhiskā revolūcija.
"Buchanan’s ideas began to have huge impact, especially in America and in Britain. In his home country, the economist was deeply involved in efforts to cut taxes on the wealthy in 1970s and 1980s and he advised proponents of Reagan Revolution in their quest to unleash markets and posit government as the “problem” rather than the “solution.” The Koch-funded Virginia school coached scholars, lawyers, politicians, and business people to apply stark right-wing perspectives on everything from deficits to taxes to school privatization. In Britain, Buchanan’s work helped to inspire the public sector reforms of Margaret Thatcher and her political progeny."
"[...] in South America, Buchanan was able to first truly set his ideas in motion by helping a bare-knuckles dictatorship ensure the permanence of much of the radical transformation it inflicted on a country that had been a beacon of social progress. [...] With his guidance, the military junta deployed public choice economics in the creation of a new constitution, which required balanced budgets and thereby prevented the government from spending to meet public needs. Supermajorities would be required for any changes of substance, leaving the public little recourse to challenge programs like the privatization of social security.
"The dictator’s human rights abuses and pillage of the country’s resources did not seem to bother Buchanan, MacLean argues, so long as the wealthy got their way. “Despotism may be the only organizational alternative to the political structure that we observe,” the economist had written in The Limits of Liberty. If you have been wondering about the end result of the Virginia school philosophy, well, the economist helpfully spelled it out."
Koch brāļu nauda, ASV vergturu pavalstis, kas nav zaudējušas savu tieksmi atjaunot aizgājušajiem laikiem, un George Mason universitāte, kur darbojas Virginia school ekonomiskās domāšanas katedra, kas izprāto taktikas un stratēģijas kā samazināt publisko valdības ietekmi un visu varu atdot bagātniekiem.
"[...] the economist developed a grand project to train operatives to staff institutions funded by like-minded tycoons, most significantly Charles Koch, who became interested in his work in the ‘70s and sought the economist’s input in promoting “Austrian economics” in the U.S. and in advising the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank."
Think tank. Agrāk likās ka tas ir kaut kas tāds nevainīgs, nekaitīgs - nu kā akvārijs ar zelta zivtiņām. Tagad "tank" parādās savā otrā nozīmē, ar stobru un kāpurķēdēm, kas sadragās jebkuru pretestību naudas varai.
8 rakstair doma
- 2016.08.15, 10:56
- Gribēju uzrakstīt tādu anti-industrijas (ja ne anti-zinātnes) komentāru (lai nobeigumā savilktu kopā Monsanto darbus un nedarbus kā GMO galvenajam āzim) - bet tad atradu ziņu, ka viena no rādija meitenēm ir nodzīvojusi līdz 107 gadiem.
Sanāk, tas rādijs nemaz tik nāvīgs nebija.
2 rakstair doma
- 2016.08.15, 10:27
- "In the U.S. and Europe, “organic” food companies are selling more and more products precisely because of the minority rule and because ordinary and unlabeled food may be seen by some to contain pesticides, herbicides, and transgenic genetically modified organisms, “GMOs” with, according to them, unknown risks. (What we call GMOs in this context means transgenic food, entailing the transfer of genes from a foreign organism or species). Or it could be for some existential reasons, cautious behavior, or Burkean conservatism – some may not want to venture too far too fast from what their grandparents ate. Labeling something “organic” is a way to say that it contains no transgenic GMOs.
"In promoting genetically modified food via all manner of lobbying, purchasing of congressmen, and overt scientific propaganda (with smear campaigns against such persons as yours truly), the big agricultural companies foolishly believed that all they needed was to win the majority. No, you idiots. As I said, your snap “scientific” judgment is too naive in these type of decisions."
"And the price difference appears to be small enough to be negligible as (perishable) food costs in America are largely, about up to eighty or ninety percent, determined by distribution and storage, not the cost at the agricultural level. And as organic food (and designations such as “natural”) is in higher demand, from the minority rule, distribution costs decrease and the minority rule ends up accelerating in its effect.
"Big Ag (the large agricultural firms) did not realize that this is the equivalent of entering a game in which one needed to not just win more points than the adversary, but win ninety-seven percent of the total points just to be safe. It is strange, once again, to see Big Ag who spent hundreds of millions of dollars on research cum smear campaigns, with hundreds of these scientists who think of themselves as more intelligent than the rest of the population, miss such an elementary point about asymmetric choices."
Kā mans komentārs Ksenijas komentāram par to "kas ir un kas nav GMO". Apakšā kaut kāda tāda "zemstraumes" attieksme - "ja tu esi racionāls, tad priecīgi ņukāsi GMO barību iekšā tā ka ausis kust". "GMO ir zinātne, GMO ir lieliski".
Tas, ko es neesmu sapratis, ir "priekš kam?". Priekš kam tās GMO lauksaimniecības tehnoloģijas vispār vajag? Tas ir, lai sasniegtu efektīvāku industriālās agrikultūras darbu? Lai padarītu pārtiku lētāku un ar lētākām izmaksām varētu pabarot vairāk cilvēkus? Lai varētu izaudzēt vairāk pārtikas un pabarot vairāk miljardus cilvēku? Lai ļautu uz zemes eksistēt vairāk miljardiem cilvēku? Nodrošināt ilgtspējīgu agrikultūras industriālo nestspēju barot 10, 15, 20 miljardus?
Kur ir globālā stratēģija? Kāds īsti būtu tas GMO tehnoloģiju gala mērķis. Es varu saredzēt scenāriju kā uz zemes savairojas 20 miljardi, padzīvo - zemi noplicinot līdz tuksnesim kā siseņi, līdz cilvēce apsprāgst badā, atstājot kosmosā aiz sevis tikai pliku, apgrauztu akmens gabalu.
22 rakstair doma
- 2016.01.28, 09:31
I'd recommend reading the history of the Frankfurt School. Frankly this stuff sounds like a conspiracy theory when you don't hear it from the horses mouth.
In short: 'Critical Theory' is taking society's healthy willingness for self-reflection and improvement, and hijacking that immune system into an auto-immune disease. Repeatedly criticize every facet of society. Make society responsible for every current and past wrong. Never demand a solution, just criticize. Criticize until a secular sense of original sin - that we are born guilty and dirty and oppressive - is worked into the mindset of the culture itself.
Keep it up for a few decades. Once you work this reflexive guilt and self-derision of the culture into the culture, people will naturally push it on it's own. It's like a cancer. The result is Political Correctness, and at the extreme end, the SJW crowd. Nobody dictates what is politically correct or not. It's not a grand conspiracy with evil people in the shadows. It's just an insidious attitude of thought that propagates itself once started. Because there's always a moral high-ground, and status to be gained, from being oh so smart enough to criticize one's own society.
The end goal being to have the culture undermine it's own validity - attack its root morality from all sides until the culture implodes on itself. Paving the way for a communist revolution yadda yadda yadda stupid communist ideas yadda yadda yadda.
Whether it accomplishes their goal or not is irrelevant , the devastating effects of turning a culture in on itself are real enough. Even though I personally hate Trump - it's pretty obvious why headlines like the one from this thread bump up his popularity. He's promising to be the Radiation; the Chemotherapy. The horrible pill we hold our nose with and take, in the hopes that it kills the malignant mutated part of the culture without killing the whole damn society.
Hmm, tas auto-immune disease salīdzinājums ir diezgan labi izskaidro, kāpēc pēdējā laikā dzirdama tāda pavisam vājprātīga SJW un feminisma, un PC, safe-space, cissexist heteropatriarchy, utml uz sevi ieciklējies un šķērsām aizgājusi aktīvisma retorika.
3 rakstair doma
- 2016.01.13, 14:13
- "Есть довольно разумная теория, которая утверждает, что интеллект и когнитивные способности появились у человека для того, чтобы давать рационально-звучащее объяснение бредовым и иррациональным идеям, которые диктуются особенностями физиологии и биохимии мозга. То есть основная активность мысли направлена на поиски подтверждений тому, во что хочется верить. [...]
"[...] по корреляции популярных бредовых убеждений [...] и высокого IQ и образования; эта корреляция весьма высокая. Объясняется это весьма просто: умный человек использует свой ум не для того, чтобы разоблачить бредятину, а для того, чтобы искать в Интернете подтверждения своим бредовым идеям.
Кстати, определение "бредовые идеи" в предыдущем абзаце принадлежит автору книги про республиканские мозги; я бы выразился аккуратнее – "представления о реальности, отличающиеся от консенсусной". Потому что реальностей много, и у каждого своя, и они все воняют."
Man šķiet šis nedaudz sakrīt ar kvantu mehānikas filozofiju - kamēr nav veikts mērījums, iznākums var būt gan tāds, gan citāds. Līdz tam visas varbūtības ir iespējamas. Tas ir, realitāte var eksistēt uzskatos, un ja šī pārliecība netiek kaut kā pārbaudīta ar mērījuma palīdzību, jeb, kamēr nav pierādīts pretējais, tai ir visas iespējas komfortabli pretendēt uz patiesību. (Un, ja neko pārbaudīt nemaz necenšas, tad savā realitātē var dzīvot pat nenoteikti ilgi.)
3 rakstair doma
- 2015.01.04, 17:04
- "we’ve been victims of a campaign of systematic misdirection. [...]
"[...] let’s talk water. We so often hear that the world is running out of water. People are dying from lack of water. Rivers are dewatered from lack of water. Because of this we need to take shorter showers. See the disconnect? Because I take showers, I’m responsible for drawing down aquifers? Well, no. More than 90 percent of the water used by humans is used by agriculture and industry. The remaining 10 percent is split between municipalities and actual living breathing individual humans. Collectively, municipal golf courses use as much water as municipal human beings. People (both human people and fish people) aren’t dying because the world is running out of water. They’re dying because the water is being stolen."
"[...] let’s talk energy. [...] the story has been the same every year: individual consumption — residential, by private car, and so on — is never more than about a quarter of all consumption; the vast majority is commercial, industrial, corporate, by agribusiness and government [and military]."
"there are at least four other problems with perceiving simple living as a political act (as opposed to living simply because that’s what you want to do). The first is that it’s predicated on the flawed notion that humans inevitably harm their landbase. Simple living as a political act consists solely of harm reduction, ignoring the fact that humans can help the Earth as well as harm it. We can rehabilitate streams, we can get rid of noxious invasives, we can remove dams, we can disrupt a political system tilted toward the rich as well as an extractive economic system, we can destroy the industrial economy that is destroying the real, physical world."
"The second problem — and this is another big one — is that it incorrectly assigns blame to the individual (and most especially to individuals who are particularly powerless) instead of to those who actually wield power in this system and to the system itself."
2 rakstair doma
- 2014.09.30, 08:40
- Parādās vēl apstiprinājumi, kāpēc miegs ir tik svarīgs.
Šobrīd mazo liekam gulēt 19:30, ceļas ap 7:00. (Principā ir modusies agrāk, bet tā kā mums ir pulkstenītis kas 7:00 sāk spīdēt zaļš, viņa ir iemācīta ka jāpaliek gultiņā līdz pulkstenis paliek zaļš. Par to viņa ir ļoti lepna, un mani priecīgi ved rādīt ka nu ir "zaļš", un es saku ka esmu ļoti priecīgs.)
Dažreiz noguļ ilgāk.
Tā kā dārziņā kautkādu iemeslu pēc (nav telpas?) viņi no 3 gadiem vairs neguļ diendusu, bet mazajai vēl pa dienu ļoti gribas gulēt, mēģinam kompensēt. Doma ir gulētiešanu vispār pārnest tagad uz 19:00. Sākt "vakara rituālu" 18:00 - izslēgt visas gaismas, nekādi televizori/datori. Kamēr vēl gaišs, kautko palasīt, tad nomazgā zobus, pārģērbj, var palēkāt, utt. 30 minūtes pirms gultā likšanas aizveram aizkarus (ir aptumšojošie), tad 10 minūtes pirms mērķa viņa ir gultiņā, aijā-žūžū, izmasē kājiņas, iedot padzerties, utt. Un tad - mērķa laikā "labu nakti" un durvis ciet. Dažreiz aizmieg viegli, dažreiz vēl ir ņemšanās.
Sestdien, svētdien viņa parasti diendusu paguļ (kautkādā veidā - mēs parasti kautkur braucam, un viņa aizmieg ratiņos, vai velo sēdeklī). Bet tā nav tāda nopietna gulēšana, 45-minūtes varbūt.
14 rakstair doma
- 2014.07.15, 11:15
- If you are in a position where people emphasize your flaws and overlook your achievements, you have low social status [...]. If the opposite is true, you have high social status.
2 rakstair doma
- wiki
- 2014.07.15, 10:43
- Wikipedia ierakstu skaits:
Lithuanian: 165 998 raksti, 4 798 372 labojumi
Estonian: 125 022 raksti, 4 072 054 labojumi
Latvian: 55 461 raksti, 2 272 538 labojumi
Vai tas būtu ūdensgalvas sindroms? Aktivitāte tikai Rīgā, visa pārējā Latvija tikai viensētas un interneta tuksnesis? Vai vienkārši nācija esam tāda, nevarīga? Vai varbūt ekonomiskā doktrīna: ar labdarību šeit nenodarbojas, rauš tikai sev?
11 rakstair doma
- 2014.06.01, 21:09
If you want a career pursuing any form of value other than monetary value—if you want to work in journalism, and pursue truth, or in the arts, and pursue beauty, or in some charity or international NGO or the UN, and pursue social justice—well, even assuming you can acquire the requisite degrees, for the first few years they won’t even pay you. So you’re supposed to live in New York or some other expensive city on no money for a few years after graduation. Who else can do that except children of the elite? So if you’re a fork-lift operator or even a florist, you know your kid is unlikely to ever become a CEO, but you also know there’s no way in a million years they’ll ever become drama critic for the New Yorker or an international human rights lawyer. The only way they could get paid a decent salary to do something noble, something that’s not just for the money, is to join the army. So saying “support the troops” is a way of saying “fuck you” to the cultural elite who think you’re a bunch of knuckle-dragging cavemen, but who also make sure your kid would never be able to join their club of rich do-gooders [...]
I don’t think we can solve the problem by mass individual defection. Or some kind of spiritual awakening. That’s what a lot of people tried in the ‘60s and the result was a savage counter-offensive which made the situation even worse. I think we need to attack the core of the problem, which is that we have an economic system that, by its very nature, will always reward people who make other people’s lives worse and punish those who make them better. I’m thinking of a labor movement, but one very different than the kind we’ve already seen. A labor movement that manages to finally ditch all traces of the ideology that says that work is a value in itself, but rather redefines labor as caring for other people.
0 rakstair doma
- 2013.09.19, 17:32
- Lai paskaidrotu kas ir īsta ienākumu nodokļa progresīvā nodokļa likme, lūk Vācijas tabula.
Neapliekamais minimums 2010. gadā bija 8004 euro, 2013. gadā ir 8130 €, 2014. būs domājams 8354 €.
Tātad ja tavs gada ienākums 2013 gadā ir 8500 euro: nodokļos jāmaksā tikai 53 €.
(Un neapliekamais minimums Latvijā? 599 €? Ls 35 mēnesī?).
Salīdzinot ar Latviju, tik liberālo nodokļa likmi "23% Flat Tax*", cilvēks sasniedz ar ienākumiem 42'000 euro (gadā) - kolonna "Steuersatz".
Tātad visi Vācijas iedzīvotaji, kam ienākumi ir mazāki par 42'000 euro uz papīra (jeb 3500 € mēnesī bruto), maksā mazāku nodokļa likmi nekā Latvijas iedzīvotāji ar jebkādiem ienākumiem.
Tabulā var redzēt šīs summas "robež-nodokli" Grenz-steursatz, tas ir par katru eiro virs 42'000, valsts paņems sev 37.02%, jeb no katra papildus euro virs robežas, valsts savāc 37 centus. (Un katram eiro zem, tiek piemērotas katrai robežai atbilstošais robež-nodoklis. Tas ir, ar lielāku nodokli apliek tikai katru "nākamo" eiro, nevis iepriekšējos.)
Turpinot, ja ienākums ir 48'000 euro, nodoklis sanāk 25.04%, bet robežnodoklis (par katru euro virs robežas) ir jau 39.77%, tas ir no katra papildus euro valsts jau savāc 39.77 centus.
Ja ienākums ir virs 55'000 euro, robežnodoklis jau ir 42%, jeb par katru papildus eiro - 42 centi valstij. Nodokļa likme ienākumam sanāk 27.10%. Un tā tālāk.
Principā var redzēt ka šeit arī nodokļa likmes līknes progresija iztaisnojas. Pie 70'000 € nodoklis ir 30.29%, pie 100'000 € gadā nodoklis ir 33.80%, pie 120'000 € gadā nodoklis ir 35.17%, pie 150'000 € gadā ir 36.54% un pie 250.730 € ir maksimālais - 47,48%, pēc tam vairs neaug.
(Splittingtariff ir precētu pāru nodokļa likme. Tiem sekojoši ir vēl izdevīgāk - jo ja otram ir ienākumi mazāki, tad sanāk viņu uzturēt. Papildus ir visādi pabalsti un atvieglojumi par bērniem.)
(14% sākuma-tarifs (Eingangangssteuersatz) ir piemērots tikai tiem pirmajiem eiro virs 8130 neapl.minimuma (2013 gadā), tad tarifa robežas-likme diezgan stāvus kāpj līdz 24% pie 14'000, tad lēzenāka progresija, līdz 42% (robežas-likme) pie 55'000. Reālā nodokļa likme tādējādi sasniedz 23% pie ienākuma ap 42'000 € gadā uz papīra. Ar sarkanu iezīmētā līkne ir precētiem pāriem - kā tiek aplikti pāra ienākumi.)
* vai arī 24% tagad Latvijā? Būtību nemaina, Vācijā pie 44'000 € bruto gada ienākumiem efektīvā nodokļa likme ir 23.78%.
6 rakstair doma
- 2013.07.22, 13:43
- pie jautājuma par derivatīviem
"Aluminum industry analysts say that the lengthy delays at Metro International since Goldman [Sachs] took over are a major reason the premium on all aluminum sold in the spot market has doubled since 2010."
Kā lielās bankas uzpūš izejvielu cenas, lai izspiestu vairāk naudas no gala patērētāja.
0 rakstair doma