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@ 2003-09-26 21:52:00

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Mūzika:Fleetwood Mac - Peacekeeper

Braucot mājā, pa radio dzirdēju vienu labu dziesmu, Fleetwood Mac - peacekeeper. Ir dzirdēta dziesma. Tikai atcerējos, un sadomāju, ka jāsameklē vārdi.

Peacekeeper Lyrics:
We make all of our suns the same
Every one will suffer the fire we’ve made
They all explode just the same
And there’s no going back on the plans we’ve made

Peacekeeper take your time
Wait for the dark of night
Soon all the suns will rise
Peacekeeper don’t tell why
Don’t be afraid to fight
Love is the sweet surprise

Only creatures who are on their way
Ever poison their own well
But we still have time to hate
And there’s still something we can sell


When the night is cold and still
When you thought you’d had your fill
Take all the time you will
This is not a test, it’s not a drill
Take no prisoners, only kill

You know all of our friends are gods
And they all tell us how to paint our face
But there’s only one brush we need
It’s the one that never leaves a trace

When the night is cold and still
When you thought you’d had your fill
This is not a test, it’s not a drill
Take no prisoners, only kill

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2003-09-26 22:06 (saite)
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