mama drama ([info]virginia_rabbit) rakstīja,
vienalga par galapunktu. Osakai netalu ir Kjoto, un taam ir savs liels šarms, bet tur nav tā wooow crazy.
braucot uz JP noteikti jaņem turistu transporta bilete kas bosedz visu uztureshanas laiku, citadi bus parak dargi pirkt tickets. un taa biļete sedz arī atrvilcienus starp tokyo-osaka, kas ir mazāk par 2 h.
defoltā es personigi labak apmestos mierīgākajā osaka vai kjoto, bet noteikti aizbrauktu uz kādu dienu uz tokiju.
bet ja izdevīga ir biļete uz Tokiju, tad perc to un pec tam apmeties citā pils.
Paulam - lai veseļojas.

un šis joks no Ingmāra:
The night before Jesus was arrested and crucified,
his followers started to worry—Christ was still a virgin; wouldn’t it be nice to have him experience a
little bit of pleasure before he dies? So they asked Mary Magdalene to go to the tent where Christ was
resting and seduce him; Mary said she would do it gladly and went in, but five minutes later, she ran
out screaming, terrified and furious. The followers asked her what went wrong, and she explained: “I
slowly undressed, spread my legs and showed Christ my pussy; he looked at it, said ‘What a terrible
wound! It should be healed!’ and gently put his palm on it.”

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( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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