mama drama ([info]virginia_rabbit) rakstīja,
@ 2006-11-22 21:13:00

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all around the bed
reibst; man atkal ir 14; īsi svārki, tukša galva, pilna sirds un ausīs skan pops; es nezinu par visām tām teorijām, kas saistās ar priekšlaicīgu knupja atņemšanu, ar podiņa sindromiem u.c., bet man liekas, ka teen-age gados pārklausītais pop-rocks vairāk ir sagrozījis manu prātu, nekā agrīnie bērnības pārdzīvojumi. galvā iekalušās šitādas frāzes kā:

- There's nothing to do so you just stay in bed, oh poor thing, why live in the world when you can live in your head?
- She doesn't have to go to work but she doesn't want to stay in bed
cause it's changed from something comfortable to something else
- I'll be around when he's not in town, I'll show you how you're doing it
wrong, I really love it when you tell me to stop. Oh it's turning me on.
- I wrote the song two hours before we met. I didn't know your name or
what you looked like yet.
- He's coming up the stairs and in a moment he'll want to see your underwear.
- You can't go home and go to bed because it hasn't worn off yet and now it's morning there's only one place we can go. It's around the corner in Soho, where other broken people go. Let's go.

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