Urashima ([info]urashima) rakstīja,
@ 2004-02-12 22:59:00

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But there's someone else who is the
True you. you don't know him.
Because you don't want to see that you
Are trying to run away
Because of fear.
Because he might not have human shape.
Because the present me might disappear.
One fears that the self disappears.
Doesn't make sense.
The self's world will dissapear.
Don't you fear?
Self will dissapear.
Don't you fear?
No, I'm glad.
I am the thing that whishes to die.
All I need is a dispare.
I want to be a nothingness.

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2004-02-12 06:00 (saite)
no kurienes šitas ir? (ja vien tas nau tevis paša garadarbs)

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2004-02-12 19:57 (saite)
a Tu uzmini.

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