tessera ([info]tessera) rakstīja,
@ 2004-03-03 13:32:00

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Mūzika:Philipp Boa & The Voodooclub "Narcissus"

Gāju, gāju neaizgāju es uz vēstniecību...
ignore the hype
and the fabulous freaks
'tis your shoot now
fined entrapped the fallen grace
'tis her shoot now
(i'm narcissus, the wonderful rat)

we rats know best
we rats are the best
we rats know better
beastly beating our way

waiting for the sun to appear
want to sleep in the light
so sound and secure
we never catch a better cure
healing our braver friends
first to steal from
the revelling reborns
(i'm narcissus, the wonderful rat)

beastly beating our way through the clouds
beastly beating our way through the crowds
first to steal from the revelling reborns
born again! sworn again!
deal and drink-gin again...
i'm narcissus, the wonderful rat
i'm narcissus in the kingdom of rats
yesterday we will be...back before you ever even know it

Pāris dienas pagājušas panku zīmē. Jūtos atkal 15 gadus veca un tas ir lieliski! Jūs neticēsit, bet es staigāju ar grebeni.. :P

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2004-03-03 14:30 (saite)
Nu nu... apsveicu, beidzot... es artā jav dazhus mēnešus staigāu, arī pat bez īpaši pancīga noskaņojuma... bet varbūt meloju (par noskaņoumu)...:)))

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