elvīra ([info]terenc) rakstīja,
@ 2007-03-27 21:36:00

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Mūzika:Bring me the horizon - second heartbeat

zec mīī

nedēļas dienas īpaši neatšķiru un mierīgi varu sajaukt tās. bet pēdējo 7 (varbūt 14) dienu laikā priecīgi notikumi risinājās. pirmais un galvenais noteikti ir pavasaris autsaid un pavasaris insaid. otrais brāļa nopirktais velopēds man, kas tāā atvieglo dzīvi, ka būtu gatava buču brālim iedot (tik interesanti kāda būtu viņa reakcija, ka laikam jāpamēģina iedot arī). un vēl divas deju naktis - nekas nav pacilājošāks par iztresīšanos, pha. kāju muskuļi joprojām sāp (bet tas laikam arī no riteņa). savukārt, vakardienas darbdienu noslēdza mazuļu bankets, divi forši tēti un divas šampāniešglāzes. un bail paliek, ka maijā nevariešu aiziet no tās ierastās, lai arī darba, bet vides. bet novitātes vajag.
ai un vēl kaudze ar sīkumiem, kas vairo dzīvesprieku. mans amfetamīns ir laikapstākļi. godīgi, pēdējās dienas kā driģenes sarijusies, un gribas šo sajūtu iemarinēt un atvērt piemērotos brīžos.
plejerī visu dienu m.i.a. un sublime, bet vakaram metāliņa deva. nelaiž vaļā šis skaņdarbs .


(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2007-03-27 20:49 (saite)
mana skaistule :) :) :)

(Atbildēt uz šo)

second heartbeat dziedāšanai
2007-04-06 00:06 (saite)
We keep writing, talking and planning, but everything's changing,
We all know what to do but no one does it,
Now this time has passed and full of regret,
Two in my heart have left me a while, I stand alone,
When they get back, it won't be the same,
never be the same,
My life, you've always been there,
Now you're gone and my heads spinning,
Left the childhood, left the memories, left the good times in the past,
Moving on your time has run out,
Wishing the clock would stand still, the world can wait,
Wasting away once again, once lived as friends,

As time passes by, regrets for the rest of my life,
The ones who I confide were gone in the black of the night,

Never will I forget you, and all the memories past,
So rarely I get to see your face,
Growing I looked to you in guidance.
We knew that time would kill us, but you're still so close to me,

To me you were my life,
To me you were my soul companion,
Now you are so far away,
Nothing can take away the time and the memories we had,
Come back - to the days when we were young
Come back - to the days when nothing mattered
Come back - to the days when nothing mattered

And I feel time passes by, regrets for the rest of my life,
The ones who I confide were gone in the black of the night

As time passes by, regrets for the rest of my life,
The ones who I confide were gone in the black of the night.

(Atbildēt uz šo)

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