elvīra ([info]terenc) rakstīja,
@ 2005-08-14 19:38:00

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Mūzika:bloc party - banquet

mans kaķis ir veģetārietis, jo viņam sēnes garšo labāk nekā gaļa. starp citu kaukur ziņās teica, ka drīz veģetārieši varēšot arī ēst gaļu neuztraucoties par dzīvniekiem, jo tie tiks klonēti speciāli gaļai. lielāku marasmu neesmu dzirdējusi. es jaunu toč diezvai ēstu kautko tādu.
beidzot ārā saule. foršīgi. gaisīgi.
manos favorītos tagad ir 4 dziesmas. tās būtu

This took my fate, giving in
To your lips, To your Lies
You say that, that it would come back to haunt me
Crooked smile, the reflection in your eyes
That shows Why wait this for Beautiful mistakes
Something that I know you've seen before
I'm not the first
Set the trap, I've fallen for it every time
I can't believe, everyone you told this to
This would come back to haunt me
I can't stand to see you now
How could I ever trust you
Take it back to the streets
I'll start again
I'll never look back
I'll never look back, back
How do you feel it if
you don't feel anything
Don't have a heart attack
don't have a heart attack
But I won't stop you
Cutting Me, razor blades and perfect lines
Were just, you'll get anything you want
Broken hearts surround everything you wanna say
Which shows, why wait this for Falling in my path
My wallowing despair that shines in black
It consumes me, I'll take it back
Give it back, to what it was
I can't believe Everyone you told this to
This would come back to haunt me
I can't stand to see you now
How could I ever trust you
Take it back to the streets
I'll start again
I'll never look back
I'll never look back, back
How do you feel it if
you don't feel anything
Don't have a heart attack
don't have a heart attack!
But I won't stop you
Everyone you promised to
This would come back to haunt me
I can't stand to see you now
How could I ever trust you
Cut me out, of your life
Like its nothing (Like I'm nothing)
Wait for this
You can't love, Don't explain it
Part of me is gone,
you've taken
You've taken
You've taken
You've taken
Part of me is gone,
you've take
You've taken
A piece thats from me
Take it back to the streets
I'll start again
I'll never look back
I'll never look back, back
How do you feel it if
you don't feel anything
Don't have a heart attack
don't have a heart attack
But I won't stop you
You won't stop, you'll never change
You won't stop, you'll never change

Take on the ocean
Where we belong
Like islands in the sun
I'll stick around
To be your hero, your tugboat captain
We could sin to the end
We can find our place to hide
We can slide across the sea and finally be free
In this space wide open
Take my hand to know
That I will never let you go
You are my joy my pride that keeps my heart alive
If we fall we won't cry
In these water mountains we can hide
There we can close our eyes
And we can be all right
We can write this story
Raise our arms in glory
As we step off the world to slide
(Find out what you're looking for) Waterslide
(Be my guest)
We can slide
(Find out what you're looking for)
We'll slide across the sea
We're drawing lines on the water
You take a swim with Neptune's daughter
You want to splash in the sea green planet
And let the world go
Just let the birds go, birds go
We'll don't waste another breath
Make sure you take time
To pass along imagination
Before you're gone
And your life slips away
So write this story with me...

Slow down!
This is slippin' through my mind, the conversation has run out of time.
Honey, I know you know what I mean, and that's the one thing that you soon will find...
I know that you really wanna go,
your mind is runnin' outta gas just relax and recap and relapse tonight.
My body's jumpin' and I, go through the motions,
and I'm leaving on this journey, maybe someday i'll come running back to you!
I don't wanna see the day, my words cannot make it safe.
(come running home, come running home!!)
Her heart, in my hands, it's too bad. no regrets...
I don't wanna see the day, her tears are falling on my grave.
This is my one chance to take back, no regrets...
Let's go!
I just wanna let you know, this situation leaves me outta breath.
We'll drive till' the love that's in your eyes drops to the ground, unravels like a thread.
I know that you really wanna go,
I only think about her, must get to her, cannot lose her...
I don't wanna see the day, my words cannot make it safe.
(come running home, come running home!!)
Her heart, in my hands, it's too bad. no regrets...
I don't wanna see the day, her tears are falling on my grave.
This is my one chance to take back, no regrets...

if i did something right
would you give up this fight?
would you say you were wrong and maybe someone else was kind of right
i'd like to think you would, you know i'd like to think you would
but i can't guarantee that what you get is an apology
jump back to the day we met i never
thought that it would end this way if ever
i let you down i want to ask of you
to take it down a notch and we can talk it on through
and the days, and the days they seem like forever
and the days, and the days they seem like forever
but forever isn't ever enough
i'd like to sing a song (promise you won't be long)
i'll try not to be long but i don't want to get this story wrong
there was a chick who never cared about the little things
don't bother 'cause i still don't give a shit
and every time she makes a point i'll make a counterpoint
she said it's easy but in the end you'll have no choice
and you know that's only just the way it goes
(you said it right man, that is just the way it goes)
i've got a gun in my hand but that gun won't cock
my finger's on the trigger but that trigger seems locked
and i can't stop staring at the tick tock clock
and even if i could i would never give up
with a vest on my chest and a bullet in my lung
i can't believe i'm dying with my song unsung
so if and when i die won't you bury me alone?
because i'll never get to heaven if i'm singing this song:
oh, you don't know where i've been
oh, you don't know what i've seen
so tell me friend: how's it going to end?
when the shit goes down
and there's no one left around to get your back
you'll crack
you'll smile and agree with everything they say
they'll try to tell you that it's all okay
but it's not and you're shot and you're bleeding pretty bad
and you can't stop thinking about the things you never had
like a wife and a kid and the things you never did
you're running around
you're living a life that's empty in the end, my friend
no, you'll take back all you've said
oh, when the regrets fill your head
trust me i've been there before
i would not wish it upon my greatest enemy
what irony
once friends, but i find: you'll have to learn this lesson on your own
so i waited by the phone but that phone never rang
and i sang so loud so i wouldn't hear the bang
when the bang never came
and i never got the call: fuck it! thank you! i love you all!
some are going to say that we're doomed to repeat
all our past mistakes
but that's not me
and even if it was i would always disagree
because in the end i always get the better of me
i've got a gun in my hand but that gun won't cock
my finger's on the trigger but that trigger seems locked
and i can't stop staring at the tick tock clock
and even if i could i would never give up
with a vest on my chest and a bullet in my lung
i can't believe i'm dying with my song unsung
so if and when i die won't you bury me alone?
because i'll never get to heaven if i'm singing this song:
oh, i'll take you where i've been
oh, i'll show you what i've seen

un atkal iešu palikt resna. man ir šokolādes torte.

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2005-08-14 21:01 (saite)
2005. gada "Charge" ;)

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