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03:17 am:


[User Picture]
Date:December 14th, 2020 - 10:25 am
Bet es nerunāju par intelekta līmeni šeit es runāju par emocijām un sirdi, like, get the fuck over yourself
[User Picture]
Date:December 14th, 2020 - 01:45 pm
Hm. Nu man tādas emocijas pārvarēt palīdz reality check, kas lielākoties nozīmē tomēr racionālu un intelektuālu sarunu ar sevi. Protams, paralēli mazliet glaudot sev galviņu un sakot, ka it's ok, you, we been hurt before, that's why you are seeing things that are not there, it's ok, but now we need to look closely at what is with no judgement.
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