

21.12.24 14:20 - [info]zin

priecīgus saulgriežus

21.12.24 10:12 - [info]black_robin

Man bija padomā viens nejauks ieraksts, bet tad nolēmu līdz svētkiem neko nejauku nerakstīt..un nekādu politiku. Lai gaiši.

20.12.24 17:50 - [info]black_robin - owl and goat

20.12.24 14:56 - [info]zin

tikai tikko pieleca, ka šī ir pēdējā darbadiena pirms svētkiem
(Xmas tree)

19.12.24 22:32 - [info]black_robin

Pieejot pie virtuves loga šobrīd var redzēt Marsu ar neapbruņotu aci. Tas oranži mirgo pa labi virs Mēness.

19.12.24 10:34 - [info]vilibaldis

un vēl par neapķērību.

sēžu, dzeru rīta kafiju un NESAPROTU, ko tās zīlītes bļaustās un ik pa brīdim iesitas logā. viņas, attiecīgi, nesaprot, ko es to Murminci nesavācu uz iekšu...
Jo Murmincis sēž uz palodzes pretī barotavai un netiek istabā, tas ir vienīgais veramais logs telpā...

18.12.24 13:02 - [info]black_robin

3 lols )

18.12.24 10:01 - [info]black_robin

Interesanta eseja par hibernāciju.


Did our ancestors use hibernation to survive through the winter when it was cold outside or food supplies dwindled? Or is the entire notion of hibernation related to winter misconstrued, and we need a new and fresh perspective? As we know, there are tropical lemurs that can hibernate at high body temperatures, which suggests that being related to winter is a contingent and unimportant feature of a much broader phenomenon than the name suggests. Scientists now agree that animals hibernate not only to save energy or overwinter cold seasons, but as a way to deal with other environmental calamities. This may include wildfires, heatwaves, storms and perhaps even natural disasters on a cosmic scale, such as the meteorite collisions with Earth that wiped out the dinosaurs but spared small primitive mammals that could well have survived thanks to their gift of hibernating.


For example – what is the relationship between hibernation and sleep? Recent research in several hibernating species reveals that animals often enter the state of hibernation via sleep, as if sleep were the gateway to the state of hibernation, being the first step towards hypometabolism. Where does sleep end and hibernation begin? That’s not an easy question to answer definitively. The relationship between torpor and sleep remains poorly understood and at best confusing, not least because of a lack of clearly defined concepts in this area.

Hibernating animals appear to be sleeping, yet we define sleep using explicitly brain- and behaviour-centric criteria, such as immobility, an elevated arousal threshold and characteristic brainwaves, while hibernation and torpor are defined based on metabolic criteria. Perhaps sleep has evolved from more ‘primitive’ hypometabolic states, and the animal that goes from sleep to hibernation recapitulates that evolution in reverse? Can we perhaps even view sleep as an aborted form of hibernation, emerging when our ancestors learned to apply the break at the right moment, to remain in control of the bodily state rather than plunging into torpidity?


Beigās ir izteikts minējums, ka varbūt cilvēku suga vienmēr ir zinājusi kā hibernēties un tas tiks darīts mirklī, kad citas izejas vairs nebūs.

18.12.24 11:26 - [info]udensroze rakstīja iekš [info]pajautaa

Lidojam ar airbaltic pirmo reizi nemot lidzi ari kalnu sleposanas ekipejumu. Man tas slepes un zabaki savas somas vel kautka ipasji ir jaasapako, lai otra gala sanemtu nesalauztas un nesaskrapetas? Slepju soma aplam plana - tiit salles apkart, vai ka?

Lidz sim ar auto sleposhanas inventars vests, pilnigi jauna pieredze sogad planota

17.12.24 12:17 - [info]black_robin - punching down

Delfi.lv ir tāds feministu podkāsts 'Visas labas', šad tad paklausos. Nesen tur bija jautājums vai drīkst jokot par visu un tika izteikta doma, ka ne, ka nevar par tiem, kas hierarhijā ir zemāk par tevi.

Šorīt klausījos interviju, kurā Endrū Doils no savas žurnālista/satīriķa/komiķa perspektīvas skaisti ielika šo domu kontekstā:

"...and then there this movement came along which we might call wokeness or critical social justice or whatever you want to call it, which was effectively a new powerful force in society which no one was ridiculing. It was as though for all of us this one closed system of thought had somehow successfully portrayed itself as the underdog and therefore became ring-fenced from satirical attention which is an interesting unprecedented thing. Normally we know the church, the state, the government, whatever..we know who the powerful people are and we know where the satirists target will be. But this was a group that said if you mock us, you're actually punching down..you're a bully, even though this whole movement is of legitimizing bullying."

Un vērtīga piebilde no intervētāja: "It's also a movement that was based on the belief that virtually every form of interaction can be construed as a kind of bullying given that there's no human motivation fundamentally other than that of power."

17.12.24 10:41 - [info]lavendera rakstīja iekš [info]pajautaa - kādu diagnostu?

Grasāmies ar vienu čali noslēgt derības, kurš līdz Jāņiem dabūs labāku fizisko formu, bet esam stipri atšķirīgi. Man ir liekais svars un kusls ķermenis, viņš arī gribētu kādus 10 kg speķīša nomest (pārējais ir lieli uzkačāti muskuļi). Katram ir savs ideālais sasniedzamais svars, kuru nu kurš pats uzskata par ideālu.
Kā mums saprast to, kuram būs lielāki sasniegumi, ja izejas līmenis un vajadzības ir tik dažādas? Kā saprast progresa līmeni attiecībā vienam pret otru?

17.12.24 00:55 - [info]zin

"stulbā dzīve" bija laba

16.12.24 19:05 - [info]black_robin

Batlere nav feminisma filozofe, bet kvīru teorētiķe. Feminisms analizē varas attiecības starp dzimumiem, Batlere tās apslēpj.

16.12.24 11:58 - [info]zin

lol @ autotranslate: Rullīša antiperspirants dzeltenu un baltu traipu noņemšanai no apģērba

15.12.24 20:30 - [info]black_robin - :)

dzirdu kā bērns savā istabā uz ģitāras spēlē green day dziesmu brain stew


green day klausījos kādu neilgu brīdi ļoti sen, tagad bērna iespaidā uzliku šo to paklausīties un secināju, ka joprojām zinu no galvas visus welcome to paradise vārdus. Protams, arī basket case, bet tos jau zina visi.

neilgi pēc tam, kad nesen bija iznācis albums american idiot, pirmo reizi apmeklēju šo salu un tāpēc paradoksālā kārtā pirmie iespaidi man nesaistās ar vietējiem mūziķiem, bet gan ar sarkano sirds granātu, kuru toreiz varēja redzēt gluži vai uz katra stūra.

15.12.24 17:40 - [info]black_robin

Nejauši atklāju, ka yt ir viena no manām bērnības mīļākajām filmām. Objektīvi tā ir diezgan patālu no izcilas filmas, bet man tai ir sentimentāla vērtība.

14.12.24 17:58 - [info]black_robin

Lasu jau vairākas dienas vārīšanos par only fans meiteni, kura pāgulēja ar 100 vīriešiem vienā dienā (vai naktī) un tagad sāpīgi izjūt negatīvās sekas. No vienas puses ir feministes kā Bindela, kas vaino vīriešus, kas uz šo aicinājumu atsaucās, no otras puses vīrieši, kas saka, bet paga, vai tad šī sieviete nav spējīga pati pieņemt lēmumu, viņa taču deva savu piekrišanu.

Šis viedoklis man šķita interesants:

"I view women who do porn the same way as I would view a schizophrenic man walking around punching himself in the head repeatedly.

If I were to say "this man is unwell. He needs to stop being allowed to walk around punching himself in the head” - the response to that would not be "stop infantilizing him!! he has agency!"

Why? Because we recognize that the schizophrenic man walking around punching himself in the head is not normal. He is doing something contrary to sanity. He is harming himself.

The question of his “autonomy" or “agency” or “consent” would be irrelevant. And trying to make it a broad gotcha or commentary about the "autonomy" of the *entire male sex* would be retarded because he is not an example of the average man.

Similarly, (non-trafficked) women who do porn are not the average woman.

They are not normal. They are an outlier demographic riddled with mental illness and that much is apparent simply in the fact they are harming and humiliating themselves publicly, repeatedly.

They’re doing something contrary to sanity, thus demonstrating they have no capacity to make correct decisions in the first place. Their autonomy is irrelevant, and certainly isn’t a reflection of women in general.

This even goes for those women who tell me how much they love doing porn. Literally no different to me than if the schizo man told me how much he loved punching himself in the head.

The ramblings of a crazy person, not meant to be taken seriously."

12.12.24 14:30 - [info]black_robin

"Skrūtons salīdzina kolektīvo identitāti ar ģimeni. Ģimenes locekļi ir kopā ne tāpēc, ka paši racionāli izvēlējušies tā būt. Un tomēr viņi paliek kopā pat tad, ja viņiem ir stipras domstarpības lielos jautājumos. Jo ir kaut kas, kas viņi ir pirms vēl radies strīds."

Šie, manuprāt, ir diezgan spēcīgi vārdi. Mani nereti nepatīkami pārsteidz fakts, ka cilvēki pārstāj kontaktēties ar ğimenes locekļiem politisko uzskatu dēļ. Bija pilns ar piemēriem pēc vēlēšanām ASV, nesarunāšanās vai pat šķiršanās, jo balsots ne par to kandidātu. Vai līdzīgi arī kovida sakarā. Man tas šķiet ļoti ekstrēmi.

12.12.24 08:08 - [info]black_robin

"If our private experience is reduced merely to physics, its value is destroyed, just as physics is destroyed by being reduced merely to private experience."

Pirmā pieeja ir materiālistiskais redukcionisms, otrā izklausās pēc postmodernisma.

"Both conditions lack the normal sense we have of ourselves as happily limited, defined by relationship we have with others and the world 'beyond' ourselves."

11.12.24 09:55 - [info]black_robin

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