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sistēmiska kļūda matriksā [Dec. 28th, 2015|12:38 am]
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[Current Music |spotify - new music friday]

Ja sieviete, kas sēdēja man pretī vilcienā, pēkšņi pateiktu, ka ir the future version of me, es noticētu.
Same haircut and haircolor, same eyes.. sēdēja manā pozā. Lips pursed the same way. Same casual look on her reflection in the window. vienīgais, nekad nevilktu violetu šalli.. bet pēc 35 gadiem, who knows?
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sapņu diary n-tais ieraksts [Jul. 29th, 2014|12:31 am]
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[Current Music |abook]

Sapņos atkal grauzēji. Šoreiz gan žurkas, bet tādas miniatūras - ar visām astēm max 3 cm. Un mājas žurciņas - baltas ar tumši pelēku strīpu uz muguras gluži kā Sāriņai bija.. kopā kādas 10.. vienkārši izskrēja no mana radiatora apakšas un izklīda pa istabu.
Maybe universe is trying to tell me something.
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pirmais ieraksts [Jan. 2nd, 2014|02:50 am]
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[Current Mood |happy]
[Current Music |gordons krāc]

ieraksts atklāj manu 10.(!!!!!) gadu Cibā, ar ko es sevi arī apsveicu! :) [šeit izliktais informācijas apjoms sāk mani biedēt]

Bet vsp ->>>> 'About Time' salīdzinot ar 'Detachment' [kas bija mana pirmā 2013. gadā redzētā filma] sūta šim jaunajam gadam pilnīgi citu messidžu un brīžiem liekas ļoti simboliska filma, ko skatīties jauna gada sākuma, un pavisam ne tāpēc, ka tā sākas ar Jaungada ballīti :D

Vēl manā galvā skan šī frāze: 'es varbūt nemīlu daudzus cilvēkus, bet tos, kurus es mīlu, es mīlu ar kkādu neaprakstāmu spēku.'
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dzīve ir līdz viņa nav [Nov. 5th, 2013|12:26 am]
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[Current Mood |sad+weird+emotionless]
[Current Music |avicii - hey brother]

trīs nedēļas - trīs nāves.. ja tās ir zīmes vai kāds brīdinājums.. vai es nezinu kas no kkādas augšas or whatever, tad tas galīgi nav a cheerful one.
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*Drinking didn't help. [Aug. 30th, 2013|11:43 pm]
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Ja tās ir zīmes, es viņas nesaprotu, t.i. nesaprotu, vai viņas atbalsta prātu vai neprātu.
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šorīt [Oct. 9th, 2011|01:34 pm]
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[Current Mood |refreshed]
[Current Music |none]

saka, ka varavīksne no rīta ir uz labu:

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maziņš kultūršociņš.. [Sep. 5th, 2010|12:24 am]
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[Current Mood |(krīpī)]
[Current Music |the secret life of bees [ab]]

es vnm esmu teikusi, ka neko jaunu nemaz pateikt nevar - kāds kādreiz jau to ir teicis.
dzīvs piemērs - šodien liku savu 'doing everything right simply isn’t.. right' gūdrīdos un tur ir obligāti jāraksta description, es ierakstīju:

'It's a fact that everybody does mistakes and that's absolutely normal, but simultaneously everybody tries to avoid mistakes and be perfect. But life isn't supposed to be perfect it is supposed to be life!'

a vakarā sēžu un klausos savu audiobuku un man tur saka:

'Every person on the face of the earth makes mistakes, Lily. Every last one. We're all so human. Your mother made a terrible mistake, but she tried to fix it. [...] There is nothing perfect,' August said from the doorway. 'There is only life.'
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... [Jul. 21st, 2010|12:52 am]
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[Current Mood |wonderful mūd, not in aro way]
[Current Music |'out of africa' titru mūzika]

nezinu, bija zīmes vai nebija, bet tā bija viena ūberstilīga filma.
jūtos tik laimīga pēc viņas.
viņa bija skaista.. un es ik pa brīdim, protams, redzēju savčenko un šolkovija slidojumu.. [ar kuru viņi tā arī nedabūja olimpisko zeltu, da i vsp viņiem tas nebija īpaši veiksmīgs.. bet nāvigi skaists.. tie baltie tērpi, tā mūzika.. un all that tragedy behind it..]

es kļūstu par briesmīgu romantiķi - tik daudz romantiskās filmas, kā pēdējās nedēļas laikā nekad nebiju skatījusies..
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zīmes un sakritības [Jul. 20th, 2010|09:41 pm]
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[Current Mood |hepī]
[Current Music |blue october - tomorrow]

džīzas, man ļoti gribējās kādu filmu ar redfordu.. tāpēc pagaidām uzliku lādēties 'out of africa', kuru jau 100 gadus kā gribēju noskatīties.
un tad iegāju imdb, lai izvēlētos kādu pollaka filmu, un tavu brīnumu - 'out of africa' ir pollaka filma.
lucky me!
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more zīmes? [Jun. 23rd, 2010|02:13 pm]
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[Current Mood |gūd mūd]
[Current Music |tv - blakusistabā - reklāmas]

wow.. pirms šī video es nezināju - par ko būs 'Inception' bēt tagad es domāju, ka visa mana sapņu apsēstība savā ziņā bija zīme.. [yes - I know - I'm funny]
un jā lost symbol ar savām prāta spēju teorijām arī bija zīme.
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zīmes? [Jun. 23rd, 2010|01:30 pm]
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[Current Mood |gūd mūd]
[Current Music |zilais karbunkulis - ērgļa izpildījumā - tv]

kkāds dīvains dzīves periods ar nesaprotamām zīmēm..
te Bībele.. te Baznīca.. te pāvesti.
viss kā viena mēneša ietvaros..
vēl nesen Brauns. Tagad šī filma
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ak, ak [Mar. 3rd, 2010|07:50 pm]
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[Current Mood |sik end tīred]
[Current Music |jean-philippe verdin - little sister [a man riktīgi patīk]]

3 dienas klausos par Linkolnu.. un šodien ieeju imdb un izlasu:
Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov reunite to produce 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter'

un tā, protams, nav zīme. tāpat kā tas, ka es tagad vāru sev ūdeni tējkannā 'Scarlett' [un tas nenozīmē sarkano - jo tējkanna ir balta ar zilu].
un par vampīriem vsp nerunāsim..
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maziņš šociņš [Mar. 2nd, 2010|07:08 pm]
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zīme -> tētis nopircis jaunu tējkannu, kurai virsū rakstīts "Scarlett"

pilnīgi tāds - JĀ!!! tu klausies tieši to, ko tev vajag.. [viss notiek pareizi!]
and I simply love this feeling..
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prieciņš [Feb. 24th, 2010|06:12 pm]
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[Current Mood |normāls mūds]
[Current Music |the smiths - i know it's over]

ņemot vērā, ka zīmēm ir īpaša nozīme manā ikdienā, tad es esmu atradusi sev īstos mazulīšus.
viss saiet kā pārbaude pareizi atrisinātā matemātikas uzdevumā.
tāda sajūta, ka saliku puzli:
tikai mēnesi vecus, 2 nedēļas, kā no ligzdas ārā.
zili un pelēki.
un nedārgi.
un tepat blakus.
rīt eju skatīties. jā -> EJU, jo tikai vienu kvartālu tālāk.
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vnk ideāli. [Jul. 13th, 2009|06:42 pm]
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[Current Mood |izgulējusies]
[Current Music |jonathan rhys meyers - something inside]

"tev tiešām kkas ar tām vāverēm nav riekstā!"
/quote unquote J.B. (comment on my travel experience)/

p.s. I made an entry on Hī's page today, and that means I'm closer than ever to the small boxes.
and.. I'm afraid of November.
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"the outward manifestations of an inner combustion are never very directed." [Jun. 9th, 2009|09:24 pm]
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[Current Mood |drama queen]
[Current Music |swh rock]

Uzdosi citiem cilvēkiem nesaprotamus jautājumus.
Dramatizēsi situāciju, lai raisītu pažēlošanu.
Garīgākie dosies pēc palīdzības pie Dieva, meklēs atklāsmes grāmatā vai vienkārši nedomājot baudīs sauli.

/mans šodienas horror-scope iz draugiem.lv/

nū, īsti nezinu par to pažēlošanu. pažēlošana jau neko nedod. jūtos tik wretched un f-ed up, ka nezinu ko darīt. vsp vienlaicīgi jūtos ļoti priecīga. nū, labi, ne gluži vienlaicīgi, drīzāk ik pēc 30 min mainu savu stāvokli. sūper sajūta. knapi izturams prieks un laime kontrastē ar dziļu depresiju, bezspēku un bezcerību. [nu, tagad visi var mani žēlot, jo es dramatizēju.. vsp moš es tiešām dramatizēju? moš horoskopi ir domāti tāpēc, lai liktu cilvēkiem saprast, ka they could do better than that?] [nice.. tagad vēl uzdodu kkādus stulbus [nesaprotamus] jautājumus..]

šodien pabeidzu savu pašnāvnieku grāmatu. pāris [4] citāti, kas are still on my mind:


'Every unhappy situation has an unhappy opposite situation.'

[tas bija par to, ka viens cilvēks var būt nelaimīgs tāpēc, ka ir zaudējis ģimeni, bet otrs tāpēc, ka nevar atkratīties no savējās. vai arī viens var mīlēt darbu, kuru ir pazaudējis, bet otrs - ienīst to, kurā viņš strādā.. utt. i hope you can keep up..]


'I had wanted to kill myself not because I hated living, but because I loved it.'

[ideja tāda: tev tik ļoti patīk dzīvot, ka tikko tu visu salaid grīstē un uz mirkli nedzīvo, bet eksistē, labāk būtu nomesties no kāda jumta..]


'If you want a cheese sandwich and you get a cheese sandwich, that can't be a coincidence, can it?'

[tas ir manā galvā, jo tur ir daudz šitā radinieku.. par visām sakritībām, nejaušībām un zīmēm.. likteņiem un horoskopiem. u.c.tt.]


'Telling me I can do anything I want is like pulling the plug out of the bath and then telling the water it can go anywhere it wants.'

[kaut arī ūdens nav gluži an inanimate object [moš tomēr ir? [atkal uzdodu šūper-jautājumus.. tas sāk mani biedēt..]] talking to it still isn't very healthy. par pašu domu īpaši komentu nav. vsm nav vārdos izteiktu komentu, jo iekšā kkas jau ir vnm.]

tāpat kā līdz šim
/Nick Hornby "A Long Way Down"/

[un acīmredzot es tiešām meklēju atklāsmes grāmatā. f-ing hell!]
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the quote unquote things [Jun. 2nd, 2009|09:34 pm]
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[Current Mood |a bookworm]
[Current Music |cure - in between days]

quote number one:
[about a suicide]
'And why is it the biggest sin of all? All your life you're told that you'll be going to this marvelous place when you pass on. And the one thing you can do to get you there a bit quicker is something that stops you getting there at all.'

* she definitely has a point there. it's somehow unfair. there's that movie 'what dreams may come'. probably - it's a sign for me to see it at last.

quote number two:
[about preparation for a suicide]
'I'd finished Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates, which is a totally awesome novel. I was actually going to jump with a copy - not only because it would have been kinda cool, and would've added a little mystique to my death, but because it might have been a good way of getting more people to read it.'

* he has no point at all, but he's funny still. I like him.

quote number three:
[about living]
'Oscar Wilde once said that one's real life is often the life one does not lead. Well, fucking right on, Oscar.'

* I thought of being all tragic today. I just can't do that. I'm not a drama person. although I would like to be one. probably, I would like otherwise if I was one..

quote number four:
[about a choice whether to commit a suicide]
'Some dead people, people who were too sensitive to live: Sylvia Plath, Van Gogh, Virginia Woolf, Jackson Pollock, Primo Levi, Kurt Cobain, of course. Some alive people: George W. Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Osama Bin Laden. Put a cross next to the people you might want to have a drink with, and then see whether they're on the dead side or the alive side. And, yeah, you could point out that I have stacked the deck, that there are a couple of people missing from my 'alive' list who might fuck up my argument, a few poets and musicians and so on. And you could also point out that Stalin and Hitler weren't so great, and they are lo longer with us.'

* well, if everybody would think that way the population of the planet would be reasonable.

quote number five:
[about the difference of dying and wanting to die]
'I didn't feel like a dying man; I felt like a man who every now and again wanted to die, and there's a difference. A man who wants to die feels angry and full of life and desperate and bored and exhausted, all the same time; he wants to fight everyone, and he wants to curl up in a ball and hide in a cupboard somewhere. He wants to say sorry to everyone, and he wants everyone to know just how badly they've all let him down. I can't believe that dying people feel that way, unless dying is worse than I thought. (And why shouldn't it be? every other fucking thing is worse than I thought, so why should be dying be any different?)'

* he's still funny, but he has a grip on describing his feelings very precise. I've felt that way last time I felt suicidal.

quote number six:
[about the reason of being able to kill ants]
'It's the distance that does it, of course. [...] they are just tiny dots, and you can no longer see them, literally or metaphorically. You can't make out their faces, can you, when they're just tiny dots, so you don't need to worry about whether they're happy or sad. It's why we can kill ants'

* that's why we can kill the mosquitoes and moths too..

quote number last:
[just for fun]
- He was dressed modern. He looked like he could have been in a band or something.
- A band? Which band?
- I don't know. Radiohead or someone like that.
- Why Radiohead?
(I said Radiohead because they don't look like anything much. They're just blokes, aren't they?)
- I don't know. Or Blur. Or.. Who's that guy? In that film? He's not the one who's not married to Jennifer Lopez, he's the other one, and they won an oscar, because he was good at maths even though he was only a cleaner.. The blond one. Matt.
- The angel looked like Matt Damon?
- Yeah, I suppose. A bit.

/Nick Hornby "A Long Way Down"/

plus some quotes from some other books:
[just thought-provoking]
'I care the most, because if I can do it... If leaving is the right thing to do, then I'll hurt myself to keep from hurting you, to keep you safe.'

'I don't think he ever planned to outlive you by long.'

'Well, I wasn't going to live without you. But I wasn't sure how to do it… I was thinking maybe I would go to Italy and do something to provoke the Volturi… You don't irritate them. Not unless you want to die.'

/Stephenie Meyer "Twilight" and "New Moon"/

'I care for nothing in comparisons with papa. And I’ll never — never — oh, never I have my senses, do an act or say a word to vex him. I love him better than myself, Ellen; and I know it by this — I pray every night that I live after him; because I would rather be miserable than that he should be: that proves I love him better than myself.'

'If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.'

'I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!'

/Emily Bronte "Wuthering Heights"/

* well.. I never thought that my death would make someone grieve a lot. but now I start to think about it.. and I think I'm inclined to suffer and endure instead of making my friends and loved ones miserable..
Though I would like to die middle-aged..
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T.A.S. [May. 12th, 2009|07:25 pm]
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[Current Mood |beeming]
[Current Music |eclipse [ab]]

- otrā zīme.
- beidzot.
- es jau sāku uztraukties.
- jā, es arī.
- dīvaini... esmu tik ļoti pieradusi pie zīmēm, ka bez tām, šķiet, ka daru kko nepareizi.
- smieklīgi, būtu atbilstošāks vārds.
- jā.. bet tas ir tāds atvieglojums..
- domāju gan. tā pirmā jau nemaz nebija zīme, drīzāk sakritība.
- pšš..
- zinu, zinu - "there are no accidents" or coincidences, whatever you call them these days.
- you've got my point.
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sakritība vai kāda mistiska zīme? [May. 10th, 2009|12:18 am]
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[Current Mood |scary]
[Current Music |twilight [ab]]

vakar [jau aizvakar] atklāju, ka mana pirmā riteņa nosaukums bija Puma, bet otrā - Pantēra.
hm.. smieklīgi, kā tas gadās..
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es māku skaitīt līdz 5 [May. 1st, 2009|11:42 pm]
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[Current Mood |nakts + aukstums + apslimšana]
[Current Music |eddie vedder - society]

- cukura ēšana ar karoti parasti liecina par lielāku depresiju nekā cukura pievienošana tējai.
- kā man negaršo tēja ar cukuru!! fui! bet tā afigiķeļno labi padara aklu [drīzāk jau kurlu] uz savu prāta puskliedzošajām runām..

- ja tā sāk domāt, šķiet, ka tiešām viss iet uz NĒ!!
- zināju, ka domāšanas sākšana pie laba gala nenoved..

- besī ārā tas, kā cilvēki visā pasaulē ienīst viens otru par to, kas noticis pagātnē. un lai aizbēgtu no šitādām muļķībām, nepietiks ar aizbraukšanu uz citu valsti. labāk uzreiz pārcelties uz citu planētu. [man pat bija ZĪME!! šodien par šito svarīgo lēmumu]. bet tad es izdomaju, ka citā planētā viņiem tur noteikti ir kkādas savas vēsturiskās razborkas, par kurām man vsp nebūs ne jausmas. tāpēc vienīgais risinājums būtu nomirt.
- hā, es to sen zināju!!!

- ir lietas, kuras ir visa kā vērtas.
- piemēram, draugu dāvātās emocijas..

- pirmo reizi sapnī bija atsauce uz kādu iepriekš jau redzētu sapni, kā uz reāli notikušu atgadījumu.
- varbūt tiešām katru nakti mazajā nāvē nonāku mazajā aizkapa dzīvē, kur viss ir pa īstam. turklāt, vnk kkas notiek pirmo reizi..

when you think more then you want,
your thoughts begin to bleed

/Jerry Hannan/

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