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maziņš kultūršociņš.. [Sep. 5th, 2010|12:24 am]
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[Current Mood |(krīpī)]
[Current Music |the secret life of bees [ab]]

es vnm esmu teikusi, ka neko jaunu nemaz pateikt nevar - kāds kādreiz jau to ir teicis.
dzīvs piemērs - šodien liku savu 'doing everything right simply isn’t.. right' gūdrīdos un tur ir obligāti jāraksta description, es ierakstīju:

'It's a fact that everybody does mistakes and that's absolutely normal, but simultaneously everybody tries to avoid mistakes and be perfect. But life isn't supposed to be perfect it is supposed to be life!'

a vakarā sēžu un klausos savu audiobuku un man tur saka:

'Every person on the face of the earth makes mistakes, Lily. Every last one. We're all so human. Your mother made a terrible mistake, but she tried to fix it. [...] There is nothing perfect,' August said from the doorway. 'There is only life.'
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