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the magic power of written words [Oct. 1st, 2018|05:38 pm]
[Current Mood |tired as always]
[Current Music |spotify daily mix 1]

"The purpose of Art is to convey the truth of a thing, not to be the truth itself."

"- When a skylark flies high, - he continued rather hopelessly to Izzie, - it means it's a fine weather.
- Well, one doesn't need a bird to tell one if it's good weather or not, one simply looks about."

"Going back is usually more painful than going forward."

"No man gave you a fur coat without expecting to receive something in return. Except for one's husband, of course, who expected nothing beyond modest gratitude."

/from "A God in Ruins" by Kate Atkinson/
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Euthanasia Coaster [Sep. 2nd, 2018|05:08 pm]
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[Current Mood |contemplative]
[Current Music |just reading]

"Julijonas Urbonas, the man who thought up the Euthanasia Coaster, claims it’s engineered to “humanely—with elegance and euphoria—take the life of a human being.” Those 10 Gs create enough centrifugal force on the body so that the blood rushes down instead of up to the brain, which results in something called cerebral hypoxia, and this is what kills you."

/Jennifer Niven - All the Bright Places/

[The Euthanasia Coaster doesn’t actually exist. But if it did, it would be a three-minute ride that involves a climb nearly a third of a mile long, up to 1,600 feet, followed by a sheer drop and seven loops. That final descent and series of loops takes sixty seconds, the 10 G centrifugal force results from the 223-mile-per-hour loops]
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de Monteņa padoms [May. 26th, 2017|12:18 am]
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Have a lover, have friends, read books.
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profesionālais kretīnisms [Apr. 17th, 2017|10:53 am]
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[Current Mood |apņemšanās pilna]
[Current Music |kate bush - running up that hill]

pirms pāris dienām braucot sabiedriskajā transportā, pievērsos vienam no jaunajiem ekrāniem, kuri uzstādīti speciāli, lai arī tiem cilvēkiem, kas neblenž telefonā, planšetdatorā, elektroniskajā grāmatā, būtu priekšā kāds ekrāns, kurā ieurbties. Šoreiz pasažierus izklaidēja ar Lieldienu ticējumiem. Konkrēti prātā palika šis, īstam rīdziniekam tik vitāli svarīgais ticējums: "Ja otrā Lieldienu rītā līst, govis dos daudz piena."
Šodien no rīta atverot žalūzijas, padomāju - laikam jau govīm būs daudz mastīti.
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something I knew, but had forgotten [Apr. 16th, 2017|05:55 pm]
[Current Music |random spotify background playlist]

"Psychopathy is like sunlight. Overexposure can hasten one’s demise in grotesque, carcinogenic fashion. But regulated exposure at controlled and optimal levels can have a significant positive impact on well-being and quality of life."

/Kevin Dutton "The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success"/
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it's getting too crowded in my head [Apr. 13th, 2017|06:46 pm]
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[Current Mood |beaten* bet par to vēlāk]
[Current Music |putnu dziesmas aiz loga un istabā (ja tās tā var nosaukt)]

Kārtējo reizi pati neko nerakstīšu, tik atreferēšu divas izlasītas lietas. (for some inexplicable reason - abas romantisch..)

- Nesaprotu, nu ko Tu viņā esi atradusi?!
- Es vnk viņu mīlu. Un to es atradu nevis viņā, bet sevī.

'Kādu dienu es beidzot saņēmos un aizgāju no sava vīra, pie sava mīļotā, kurš diemžēl neizrādījās tikpat drosmīgs.
Trīs dienas vēlāk es izskrēju no viņa viesnīcas ar asaru pilnām acīm un, neskatoties, kurp eju, saskrējos ar savu vīru. Mēs vienkārši stāvējām un skatījāmies viens uz otru, nesakot ne vārda. Un tad sāka līt lietus. Man nebija lietussarga, bet viņam bija. Viņš piedāvāja man savu elkoni, es izbāzu cauri savu roku. Un tā klusībā mēs gājām.. Kur? Uz mājām, protams.'

Man liekas, kkas tajā ir.
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[Apr. 12th, 2017|07:46 pm]
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Remember, friends, as you pass by,
As you are now, so once was I.
As I am now, so you must be.
Prepare yourself to follow me.

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[Apr. 7th, 2017|03:03 pm]
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'You say that a lot too,' said Drew.
'That you're fine.'
'I am fine.'
'Sarah - that's my psychiatrist friend - has a theory about the word "fine",' he said. 'She thinks it stands for fucked up, insecure, neurotic and emotional.'

/Pamela Hartshorne "Time's Echo"/
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[Apr. 6th, 2017|01:03 pm]
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[Current Music |Spotify - Daily Mix]

- "You know that some women just need to have a fella or they're miserable?"
Like Yolanda. - "Yes".
- "Well there's others that don't ever want a man. And then others have times when what they need is to be alone. Maybe this is your alone time."

/Pamela Schoenewaldt "Swimming in the Moon"/
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tēlainie salīdzinājumi [Feb. 28th, 2017|10:26 pm]
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"... but just then Julia drops a glob of ice cream in her hair and shoots up on the roundabout yelling 'Fuck!', and by the time she's got a tissue of Becca and borrowed Selena's water bottle to wet it and cleaned the sticky off her hair, bitching the whole time () about how she looks like she gave a blowjob to someone with bad aim, ..."

/Tana French "The Secret Place"/

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[Feb. 7th, 2017|10:05 pm]
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[Current Mood |has been better]
[Current Music |spotify (system of a down)]

When you put on some music to cheer yourself up and get
"Such a lonely day.. And it's mine.. The most loneliest day of my life"
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something "reassuring" I read on fb [Jan. 8th, 2017|02:20 pm]
[Current Mood |extra introvert :D]
[Current Music |radiotev.lv]

"Yet another veterinarian took her own life yesterday, and another is in danger today. Another needed rescuing just a couple of weeks ago. Listen guys, your vet is not "in it for the money." They're not "uneducated about nutrition and vaccines." They're not trying to poison your pet to make a buck. They are struggling. Almost all of them. The kind of people who are attracted to veterinary medicine are compassionate, they are perfectionists, they are overachievers, and ironically, most of them are introverts and freaking exhausted by dealing with people all day. They care about your pets as much as you do, and often more so, in the (daily) cases of terrible pet owners who argue with them and neglect basic care for their pets."
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quote from a movie [Jan. 2nd, 2016|09:45 pm]
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[Current Music |filma "Пациенты" [2014]]

"Mēs visi gribam likties labāki nekā mēs patiesībā esam, un tas ir normāli. Bet nav normāli būt labākiem nekā esam. Tieši tāpēc rodas vispirms vienkārši depresija, tad lielā depresija.. Rezultātā mums ir pasaules krīze."
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men - continued [May. 6th, 2012|09:00 pm]
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a definite to-see
1) The Dark Knight Rises [2012]

1) This Means War [2012]
2) Warrior [2011]
3) Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy [2011]
4) Inception [2010]
5) Wuthering Heights [2009]
6) RocknRolla [2008]
7) Scenes of a Sexual Nature [2006]
8) Marie Antoinette [2006]
9) Gideon's Daughter [2005]
10) Layer Cake [2004]

1) Lawless [2012]
2) Thick as Thieves [2009]
3) Bronson [2008]
4) Sucker Punch [2008]
5) The Inheritance [2007]
6) Stuart: A Life Backwards [2007]
7) The Killing Gene [2007]
8) Flood [2007]
9) A for Andromeda [2006]
10) Minotaur [2006]
11) Sweeney Todd [2006]
12) Colditz [2005]
13) EMR [2004]
14) LD 50 Lethal Dose [2003]
15) Dot the I [2003]
16) The Reckoning [2003]
17) Star Trek: Nemesis [2002]
18) Deserter [2002]
19) Black Hawk Down [2001] -> vai kāds, kas nav šajā filmā?
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i'm stalking a new guy.. [Apr. 30th, 2012|11:49 pm]
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[Current Mood |crazy]
[Current Music |none]

a definite to-see
1) The Bourne Legacy [2012]
2) Untitled James Gray Project [2012]

1) Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol [2011]
2) Thor [2011]
3) The Town [2010]
4) The Hurt Locker [2008]
5) 28 Weeks Later [2007]
6) North Country [2005]
7) S.W.A.T. [2003]

daļēji redzētās
1) The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford [2007]

1) The Avengers [2012]
2) Ingenious [2009]
3) Take [2007]
4) Love Comes to the Executioner [2006]
5) A Little Trip to Heaven [2005]
6) Twelve and Holding [2005]
7) Lords of Dogtown [2005]
8) Neo Ned [2005]
9) The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things [2004]
10) Dahmer [2002]
11) Monkey Love [2002]
12) Fish in a Barrel [2001]
13) A Friend's Betrayal [1996]
14) Paper Dragons [1996]
15) Senior Trip [1995]

P.S. even thinking of watching The Unusuals [2009] -> TV series.. bad, bad girl..
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true [Apr. 22nd, 2012|04:16 pm]
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izvilkumi no maniem lušēra krāsu testa rezultātiem.. [Mar. 19th, 2012|05:11 pm]
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[Current Mood |pissed]
[Current Music |-]

par manām attiecībām ar kādu cilvēku:
izskaidrošanās ar kādu tuvu cilvēku bija sašutumu izraisošas un mokošas. tāpēc turpmāk grib iekšēji nodrošināties - pasargāt un norobežot sevi. vēlas kontaktus, kas nerada nospiedošas un aizvainojošas izskaidrošanās. labprāt pievēršas teorētiskām un spekulatīvām idejām, lai izvairītos no konflikta.
*** - stipri noslogota konflikta situācija

par to, kāds gribu būt:
domā, ka viņa viedokli neviens nerespektē. vēlas nobīdīt problēmas malā, lai nenomāktu iekšējā spriedze. ir gaidu pilns un atvērts nenomācošām attiecībām un ļoti ieinteresēts ierosinošos kontaktos.

par prasībām un noteikumiem:
ir pakļauts grūti paciešamas situācijas ieteikmei. prasības izjūt kā īgnumu izraisošas un nomācošas. bet padoties negrib, turas pretī. saņemas, lai nebūtu ne maigi piekāpīgs, ne arī ielaistos kompromisos. apspiež dusmas un agresivitāti, lai draudošo afekta izvirdumu spētu kontrolēt cik ilgi vien iespējams.
*** - stipri noslogota konflikta situācija

par nākotnes vīzijām:
pašreizējie apstākļi rada lielu nepatiku. šobrīd atrodas pārejošā starpsituācijā, kuru nav viegli paciest. grib situāciju saprast, tāpēc ir modrs. cer jaunos, izdevīgos priekšnosacījumos atrast izeju un atbrīvoties.
*** - stipri noslogota konflikta situācija

viela pārdomām:
KK tendence -> bēgšana no problēmām
īsti mērķi vai iluzorās vēlmes?
jācenšas uztvert cilvēki un situācijas tādas, kādas tās ir, nevis spriest par visu pēc saviem ideāliem un principiem.
nebūs ilūziju - nenāksies vilties.
ir nepieciešama -> iekšēja brīvība.

KL tendence -> pārpūle, pārslodze
izlietotā enerģija, nesniedz gaidīto atdevi, laupa drosmi un skumdina.
ir jāizvēlas sasniedzami grūti mērķi.
vadmotīvs: ļaujiet tam būt tādam, kāds tas ir!

DK - STRAUSS - no konfliktiem mūkošais, nomocītais bēglis. [dusmīgs, izmisis, grib aizmukt un cer uz labāku nākotni]
ADK - SKUDRA - bažīgs karjerists. [grib sasniegt iespaidīgus panākumus, bet baidās riskēt]
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elephant in the room [Mar. 11th, 2012|08:14 pm]
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[Current Mood |not gūd]

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eyes wide shut [Jan. 29th, 2012|08:55 pm]
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[Current Mood |-]
[Current Music |-]

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there's a reason to be happy [Jan. 24th, 2012|06:41 pm]
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[Current Mood |hurrah!!!!]
[Current Music |happy song in my head]

[pat asariņa bija - Jelgava, here I come]
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