Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - the magic power of written words [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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the magic power of written words [Oct. 1st, 2018|05:38 pm]
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[Current Mood |tired as always]
[Current Music |spotify daily mix 1]

"The purpose of Art is to convey the truth of a thing, not to be the truth itself."

"- When a skylark flies high, - he continued rather hopelessly to Izzie, - it means it's a fine weather.
- Well, one doesn't need a bird to tell one if it's good weather or not, one simply looks about."

"Going back is usually more painful than going forward."

"No man gave you a fur coat without expecting to receive something in return. Except for one's husband, of course, who expected nothing beyond modest gratitude."

/from "A God in Ruins" by Kate Atkinson/
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