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mazulis 44 [Feb. 22nd, 2014|12:04 am]
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[Current Mood |full with pleasure]
[Current Music |BBC - Fleming. A Man Who Would Be Bond]

Ir grāmatas, kuras izlasās īstajā brīdī, ar īsto iekšējo stāvokli. Grāmatas, kuras uzpeld nejauši, bet kuru īso eksistenci manā dzīvē pavada zīmju virkne, kas kā mozaīkas gabaliņi sakļaujas vienā skaistā mākslas darbā ar manu dzīvi. [un protams, teju nepieklājīgu baudas daudzumu pēc grāmatas izlasīšanas pavada, nemērama tukšuma sajūta..]

Šajā grāmatā bija viss - sākot ar visai cerīgu žurnalistu reportu par Hārdija jauno filmu, [it īpaši, ka tie bija krievu žurnalisti, un as you may know - we Russians ļoti skeptiski skatamies uz ārzemnieku darbiem par mums :D ].. bet pirms filmas, man taču ir jāzina, kas mani sagaida - so I plunged into this piece of literature un devoured it rather uncivil manner as if I was starving.. Sakrita pat tādi sīkumi, ka ēdot mammas tīteņus lasīju, kā protagonista māte gatavo tīteņus viņam. Tur par bija veterinārārsts.. bet mostly mani uzpirka konstantā spriedze, netaisnības sajūta, nedaudz serial killer un ripper stuff, un vsp - āāā.. un viena no manām mīļākajām vadlīnijām - iemīlēšanās savā vīrā jau tad, kad laulība ir doomed :D

Tagad esmu in great need of the second part, and third, kurām vēl neesmu tikusi klāt. Bet pagaidām man sastāda kompāniju Flemings Kūpera izpildījumā un later on ņemšu gultā Dafni di Morjē. Lai, ko cilvēki arī neteiktu - eskeipisms ir ellīgi patīkama lieta.
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pirmais ieraksts [Jan. 2nd, 2014|02:50 am]
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[Current Mood |happy]
[Current Music |gordons krāc]

ieraksts atklāj manu 10.(!!!!!) gadu Cibā, ar ko es sevi arī apsveicu! :) [šeit izliktais informācijas apjoms sāk mani biedēt]

Bet vsp ->>>> 'About Time' salīdzinot ar 'Detachment' [kas bija mana pirmā 2013. gadā redzētā filma] sūta šim jaunajam gadam pilnīgi citu messidžu un brīžiem liekas ļoti simboliska filma, ko skatīties jauna gada sākuma, un pavisam ne tāpēc, ka tā sākas ar Jaungada ballīti :D

Vēl manā galvā skan šī frāze: 'es varbūt nemīlu daudzus cilvēkus, bet tos, kurus es mīlu, es mīlu ar kkādu neaprakstāmu spēku.'
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En-Ou-Tī [Dec. 27th, 2013|02:28 pm]
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[Current Mood |saspiedusies]

Ou-Em-Džī.. haven't had this feeling for a while. [Well haven't really had feelings for a while]
But seriously - I'm not going to do what I'm NOT going to do, because that would be so - school-age-sofija.. :D
But Alexander is so great, even though he's not Alexander the Great. He's just that guy who has an amazing voice, amazing eyes and all that crap, but has very little movies, instead he has these awful 7 seasons long TV series, which I'm definitely not going to watch.
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the GG [Aug. 23rd, 2013|11:15 am]
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[Current Music |miley cyrus - we can't stop]

I'm definitely not a Baz Luhrmann person. Not at all.
But my parents loved it. And mum even said - that it's much better than the book. Well that I can relate to - because the book was a huge disappointment. And also enjoyed bits and pieces of the movie [like very clumsy and boyishly awkward and weird diCaprio], but the whole thing together just makes me shudder with distaste :P And I'll probably never watch it again, which is exactly what I said after watching Moulin Rouge! for the first time, but I've already seen it 3 times in ten years :D
Well, the point is - I think you guys will enjoy GG very much.
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a comment [Aug. 2nd, 2013|05:48 pm]
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[Current Music |hummingbird titri]

un jā - varbūt viņi tiešām aizmirsa pateikt Džeisonam, ka šīs jaunās filmas nav veco turpinājums. varbūt viņiem vnk bail..
bet ja godīgi - I don't mind that at all.
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need a movie and dog walking partner [Jun. 14th, 2013|10:11 pm]
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[Current Mood |uzvilkta]

griezu zemenes, griezu.. un sanāca zemenes ar biezpienu, nevis biezpiens ar zemenēm. nu ko lai dara..

bet stāsts, kā parasti ir ne par to.. un pat ne par ugunsdzēsējiem, kas klausās Bītlus pa visu ielu un spēle futbolu. noup. stāsts ir par kārtējo kvoutu no kartējās filmas. vsp mani iefascinē, ka visās tajās lētajās un nothing spešl filmās vienmēr ir kāda gudra doma, kas aizķer.
precīzu kvoutu neatradu un filmu jau paspēju izdzēst - so something like that:

- i always knew what kind of boyfriend i want [tad sekoja something like educated, cultural blā, blā, blā]
- so - a boy-you.
- yeah, a boy-me.

un es padomāju - don't we all? kgan kamēr staigāju ar suni - kāda balss manā galvā pateica: 'you're are looking for a male version of a better you. for 'the you' you want so desperately to be.'
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sofija un viņas iedomātie vīrieši [Jun. 1st, 2013|01:49 am]
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[Current Mood |darkly happy]
[Current Music |high and dry - feat. jeremy jordan]

it's funny how - perfectly positive tv series, which i chose as my first musical series and a thing i could enjoy without all the drama drama stuff.. people dying, guns, deaths.. can go from being all so optimistic and hopeful into something as dark.. well i have to say - now i love it even more. and get all the thoughts - like i was meant to watch this.
[besides - esmu totāli saspiedusies about Derek Wills, didn't have such a crush on a character for quite a while.. even Sergent Jerry Wooters didn't do it for me the way this guy does]
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not the time, not the place [May. 1st, 2013|06:52 pm]
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[Current Mood |need a movie]
[Current Music |no music]

'Ink' tikko papildināja manu iesākto filmu sarakstu. un es joprojām ceru, ka kādreiz tomēr pabeigšu to visu skatīties. [es taču pieveicu Kareņinu.. man gan tas aizņēma 3 mēnešus :D ]

Bet ->
1) Albert Nobbs ~1 hour
2) J. Edgar ~15 min
3) Shadow Dancer ~1 hour
4) Anonymous ~10 min
5) Seven Psychopaths ~40 min
6) Zero Dark Thirty ~10 min
7) Frankenweenie ~20 min
8) Amour ~10 min
9) Corolianus ~15 min
10) Love and Honor ~10 min
11) Take this Waltz ~10 min
12) The Lady ~10 min
13) Life of Pi ~10 min
14) The Loneliest Planet ~15 min
15) Broken City ~10 min
16) Jagten ~15 min
17) Ink ~10 min

bet es ticu, ka katrai filmai vnk ir īstais brīdis, kurā to skatīties. Un šīm tas vēl nav pienācis.
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mūvī-report [Jan. 7th, 2013|11:16 pm]
[Current Mood |weird + somber]

it's 'impossible', but we watched it.
it has a weird effect on me.
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mūvī-lietas [Jan. 1st, 2013|10:35 pm]
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[Current Mood |sleepy]

ja pirmā gadā redzētā filma kko liecinātu par visu gadu.. tad laikam bija jāskatās kkas močna pozitīvāks.
bet then again - it wouldn't be me.
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no comment [Dec. 25th, 2012|11:19 pm]

mani vecāki atteicās skatīties '3:10 to Yuma' - calling it rather hard and depressing, so tāpēc viņi skatās 'Painted Veil' on TV, jo tā jau tāda viegla un jauka filma vien ir.
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safe and warm [Dec. 15th, 2012|07:19 pm]
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[Current Mood |lazier than even]
[Current Music |don'r know the name of this song]

there's a magic place always open for you when you need the refuge.
it's called movieland.

[will have to make my winter movie list :)]
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joy of living the life i'm living [Oct. 11th, 2012|11:05 pm]
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[Current Mood |satisfied]
[Current Music |adele - skyfall [again & again & again]]

the years of drama are over.. it's time for action. :D var smieties, bet tā sanāk. last movies i've seen on the big screen -> The Dark Knight Rises and The Bourne Legacy. Next one is Skyfall [Gee, I'm going crazy for that one.. for no particular reason. i just can't wait.] Un tagad vēl šis seriāls, kurš savā plotlinā iet pārāk paralēli Betmenam, lai varētu safārēties, bet action is what is not missing there..

Vsp jau life is also about action :D Piem. šodien bija ļoti laba diena, ja neskaita kārtējās 3 h miega, ūberforšās lekcijas un praktisko katastrofu nodarbību, kurā mēs rēķinājām, cik tālu pie konkrētā vēja var izplatīties ķīmiskā saindēšanās mākonis, un vai tas apdraud mūsu fakultāti. Visādi citādi - palpēju un auskultēju vienu kucēnu, divas kaķenes, vienu kaķēnu un vienu zirgu [hā, which i'm kinda proud of - jo es arī tiešām dzirdēju.. gan tikai diastoles, bet still]. tad pati noņēmu sev asinis analīzēm - grupas un rēzusa pārbaudīšanai [ārpus nodarbību laikā.. jo vnk nebija ko darīt :D un tā kā tētim ir negatīvs, gribēju pārliecināties..] un tad did some magic with my scalpel.. i just dig it. taisījām galvas nervu preparātu. pluss tad mājās noskatījos DogTown raidījumu par suni ar vienu sen amputētu kāju, kuram nenormālākās gurnu problēmas, ka īsti vairs nestaigāja, un magic doctor and canine hydrotherapy. So really good day :)

Un vakar rakstījām kolokviju pie Bundzeļa degļiem, kas silda laboratoriju. vsp diezgan gotiska atmosfēra. tādas liesmas uzgrieztas, ka tik lapas nesadedzini.
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in my dream.. [Jun. 10th, 2012|12:34 pm]
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[Current Mood |determined to learn]
[Current Music |radio LOL]

... which was something like a dream within a dream, but when i woke up the first time [a.k.a. was still sleeping in my first dream] i wasn't sure if I dreamt it or knew it. well anyway - in one of those dreams a crazy guy killed di Caprio [what he read to know he had to do that - I have no idea..].. It was quick - a knife straight to the heart.. in and out..

and it was really sad, him being that really good guy, caring about the enviroment and all that green-life stuff, and being a brilliantly genius actor.. not being married and having no children. Simply sad.
[I remember seeing Scorsese so devastated.. and not because of the Wolf..]

pluss -> then there were no more movies with him to come. [and so far I'm not a fan of Django.. so for me there would be only Gatsby]

and the night before that Mark Sloan died, his head in my lap.

good guys just keep dying in my dreams..
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men - continued [May. 6th, 2012|09:00 pm]
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a definite to-see
1) The Dark Knight Rises [2012]

1) This Means War [2012]
2) Warrior [2011]
3) Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy [2011]
4) Inception [2010]
5) Wuthering Heights [2009]
6) RocknRolla [2008]
7) Scenes of a Sexual Nature [2006]
8) Marie Antoinette [2006]
9) Gideon's Daughter [2005]
10) Layer Cake [2004]

1) Lawless [2012]
2) Thick as Thieves [2009]
3) Bronson [2008]
4) Sucker Punch [2008]
5) The Inheritance [2007]
6) Stuart: A Life Backwards [2007]
7) The Killing Gene [2007]
8) Flood [2007]
9) A for Andromeda [2006]
10) Minotaur [2006]
11) Sweeney Todd [2006]
12) Colditz [2005]
13) EMR [2004]
14) LD 50 Lethal Dose [2003]
15) Dot the I [2003]
16) The Reckoning [2003]
17) Star Trek: Nemesis [2002]
18) Deserter [2002]
19) Black Hawk Down [2001] -> vai kāds, kas nav šajā filmā?
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i'm stalking a new guy.. [Apr. 30th, 2012|11:49 pm]
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[Current Mood |crazy]
[Current Music |none]

a definite to-see
1) The Bourne Legacy [2012]
2) Untitled James Gray Project [2012]

1) Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol [2011]
2) Thor [2011]
3) The Town [2010]
4) The Hurt Locker [2008]
5) 28 Weeks Later [2007]
6) North Country [2005]
7) S.W.A.T. [2003]

daļēji redzētās
1) The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford [2007]

1) The Avengers [2012]
2) Ingenious [2009]
3) Take [2007]
4) Love Comes to the Executioner [2006]
5) A Little Trip to Heaven [2005]
6) Twelve and Holding [2005]
7) Lords of Dogtown [2005]
8) Neo Ned [2005]
9) The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things [2004]
10) Dahmer [2002]
11) Monkey Love [2002]
12) Fish in a Barrel [2001]
13) A Friend's Betrayal [1996]
14) Paper Dragons [1996]
15) Senior Trip [1995]

P.S. even thinking of watching The Unusuals [2009] -> TV series.. bad, bad girl..
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dog movies [Apr. 7th, 2012|11:29 am]
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[Current Mood |ak]
[Current Music |hatiko titri]

sākt dienu ar Hatiko noskatīšanos.. ir devastating. īpaši, ja esi apsolījis mammai, ka centīsies skatīties mostly cheerful movies.
-> classic me.

un Gordons dīvainā kārtā uz Hatiko nerej, bet gan smilkst, which is weird.
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the emotional me [Apr. 1st, 2012|12:39 am]
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[Current Mood |not pregnant]
[Current Music |silencio]

emocionālais stāvoklis 'fake pregnancy' turpinās:
kinītī rāda 5 treilerus, pie 3 es apraudājos..
What to Expect When You're Expecting un Mirror, Mirror atstāja mani diezgan vienaldzīgu..
a vot The Lucky One, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen un Titanic - ak..
un filmā raudāju un smējos [smējos gan vairāk]

vsp - mamma teica, ka esmu tikpat emocionāla kā Japāņu daiļslidotāji [īpaši Yuzuru Hanyu]


un es nezinu - why i did that. that was weird. bet kur gan citur varētu satikt viņu, kā stockmana alkohola sadaļā.. kā rakstīja Toms savulaik - ehzz.. ēnīvēj - man bija ļoti laba diena un es negribēju to bojāt (chuckle)


un i'm rather too sleepy for my bbc drama
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pī-pī-pīle [Feb. 5th, 2012|04:49 pm]
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[Current Mood |asariņa]
[Current Music |you can guess]

ok, watching titanic 3d trailer was a mistake.
[un vēl ņemot vērā, ka kkad nesen skatīts. vnk pī.]
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awww [Feb. 3rd, 2012|01:28 am]
[Current Mood |hepī]
[Current Music |silencio]

nezinu, vai vainīga bezfilmu nedēļa, bet really enjoyed this one.
Vsp jau man Smoljaninovs ne pārāk patīk, bet... sen nebiju tā izbaudījusi filmu.
riktīgi hepī fīling now..
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