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I did it!! [Apr. 18th, 2011|08:14 am]
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[Current Mood |liberated]
[Current Music |gerry - gallway girl]

izdzēsu no datora 32 filmas.
including TĀS filmas.
besides idzēsu TOS a-bukus.
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džeikoba diary būtu ļoti kstaķi [Dec. 12th, 2010|11:00 pm]
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[Current Mood |verī hot]
[Current Music |-]

negribēju rakstīt, bet tā tikko sasmējos..
vnk sēžu un pataustīju savu muguru.. un izmetu tā ņe prinužģenno: "I'm so hot!"
riktīgi sasmējos. nū.. vēlreiz nepārmērīju, ja nu kāpj. un i'm not aloud to be ill.
not now.
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dienas idiotiski spīdošākā doma [Nov. 22nd, 2010|06:21 pm]
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[Current Mood |stulba]
[Current Music |eclipse [mf]]

un kā tad edvards un viņa ģimene spēja vsp paciest bellu, kad viņai bija mēnešreizes?
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games are supposed to be fun.. [Nov. 20th, 2010|08:53 pm]
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[Current Mood |head buzzing]
[Current Music |-]

plāns uzspēlēt kādu drinking game radās pats no sevis. un pēc īsas konsultācijas ar gūgli atradās arī filma.. -> scarface..
gūgls teica:
Drink once: Every time the word "fuck" is spoken.
Drink again: Every time someone is spitting while they talk.
Finish your drink: Every time Tony speaks louder than any reasonable human being would ever speak.
Fuck your sister: At the end when Tony' sister says, "You want to fuck me, Tony?" If both siblings follow the first three rules this should actually feel pretty natural by that point.

[protams īsti nepievērsu uzmanību tam, ka tā bija viena no 'The Most Difficult Movie Drinking Games Ever']

turklāt tā bija the longest boring movie ever. tāpēc varēja dzert 'every time you feel the movie is too long', bet mēs dzērām tikai tad, kad kāds teica vārdu 'fuck'.. laikam tas notika pārāk bieži, jo līdz filmas beigām es neizturēju.. nobeidzos ar galvu podā. un palaidu garām kādus pēdējos 20 'fucks' [un vēl tos, kurus pačīno teica būdams naked, jo tos mēs izdomājām neskaitīt]

un līdz 'new moon' tikt nebija nekādu cerību, vsp ap to laiku jau beigtos šņabis..
[njū mūnā, jādzer katru reizi edvardam is painful face, kādam čalim ir nav krekla, sarunās iestājas neveikli klusuma brīži, kāds no līdzskatītājiem izsaka joku, kuru varētu ielikt filmā, every time you hear someone breathe or laugh unnaturally - vārdsakot, tur vnk jādzer nonstopā..]
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ņjū things.. [Nov. 3rd, 2010|10:34 pm]
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[Current Mood |headache]
[Current Music |bonnie tyler - it's a heartache]

ogre ir neizsmeļama. kas būtu domājis, ka tur ir līķu ezers.. un vampīru augstskola.
and all that in one day.. labi, ka mums bija dog-protector.
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mī iz surpraizd [Sep. 8th, 2010|07:16 pm]
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[Current Mood |surpraizd]
[Current Music |gone with the wind [ab]]

cilvēku, kas iesakņojies pārdaugavā tik dziļi, ka centrā jūtas kā iebraucējs, tur gaida daudzi pārsteigumi.
piemēram, uz ielām sāk parādīties milzīgie Šlesera plakāti again. Īpaši iespaidīgs - ir viens pie stacijas, nākot no forum cinemas puses cauri jaunajam tunelim.. jo tikko tiek līdz tuneļa otrai pusei viņš pilnīgi izlec no nekurienes, pārsteidzoši liels.. kkas tur klāt vēl viņam rakstīts, bet prātā palika tikai vārds 'CIETI', kurš vēl ir pasvītrots un kuru es uztvēru kā 'ciest' 2.pers. vsk pagātnē..
bet tas vēl nebija viss, jo vienā no vecrīgas ielām mani vēl vairāk pārsteidz diezgan liela Ļeņina portrets, kas bija izlikts kafejnīnas 'Ленинград' skatlogā. kafejnīca vsp neizskatījās slikti - tāda dīvaina atbilstoša nosaukumam.. tādā kkādā pēcpadomju laikaposma rudimentu stilā or sth like that.
arī ar to mani piedzīvojumi nebeidzās, jo es turpināju iet pa kalēju ielu un redzēju vēl vienu interesantu brīnumu: 'Lilly - pet boutique' saints preserve us! wtf is that?!
enīvēj.. kkādas dīvainas zīmes vēl tomēr dzīve notiek.. kad es annai atklāju savu giga noslēpumu, ka atkal klausos retu, viņa pārliecinājās - vai es neklausos 'retu', bet gan 'vējiem l.'.. un man pat prātā nebūtu ienācis lasīt 'retu', bet šodien pēc 3.ās atgriešanās veikalā - nopirku [ar 50% atlaidi, bez - nepaņemtu, laikam] 2007.ā gada mistisku brīnumu 'rhett butler's people', kas ir sava veida 'midnight sun' tikai iekš 'vējiem l.'.. bet kad biju veikalā jau 3.o reizi.. tur bija arī Šīrava, kas mani vai nu nepamanīja, vai nu nepazina, vai arī negribēja redzēt.. viņa ļoti smaidīja un divi nabaga skolēni nesa arbeitsbuchu kaudzi.. un ko tu neteiktu - tā man bija zīme, ka šodien noderēs deutsch!! jo kad beidzot tiku līdz pieturai after my little roundabout, sēdēju un lasīju savu kaprīzi, pie manis pienāca vīrietis un apjautājās 'sprechen sie deutsch?' pirmo reizi mūžā, man kāds prasīja rīgā ko tādu.. parasti vācieši ir pietiekami apzinīgi un saprot, ka vāciski runājoši cilvēki uz ielām nemētājas.. un pieturā izņemot mani bija vēl kādi padsmit cilvēki.. turklāt, viņš nāca no otras ielas puses tieši pie manis un nevienam citam neuzmācās.. i was shocked līdz dvēseles dziļumiem.. ko ta man uz pieres rakstīts 'ich spreche deutsch, alle fragen sind herzlich willkommen'? džī..
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eine notize [Jul. 17th, 2010|01:10 am]
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[Current Mood |slīpī]
[Current Music |sienāži aiz loga]

džīzas, tikko ar edgaru skatījāmies TO..
viņam laikam pēc kino - bišku tomēr kkas aizgāja ciet..
bet vismaz tikai otro..
kgan brīžiem man likās, ka labāk būtu pirmo..
[otro tik labi no galvas nezinu :( ]
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long dream short [Jun. 20th, 2010|11:31 am]
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[Current Mood |ironic]
[Current Music |tv - blakusistabā - moja planeta]

[bišku nogulēts pa virsu tāpēc atceros tā.. vidēji labi]

sākās ar to, ka sēdējām divatā ar madaru zālē pie kanāla un lija lietus, bet mēs negājām prom, jo kko rakstījām. turklāt - tas it kā apziņā bija rīgas kanāls un arī vizuāli, bet apkārtne īsti nebija rīgas centrs. enīvēj - lija lietus.. un tad kkur aiz mākoņiem sāka parādīties saule - kkur rietumu pusē. ūn tād notika brīnums..

m: skaties varavīksne!
s: õho, šitā jau otrā, skat, tur pirms viņas vēl viena, a šai krāsas ir pretējā secībā. [džīzas es pat sapņos izrādos ar info.. kur nu vēl dzīvē..]
m: āha. bet rekur vēl trešā... (pauze) ūūn ceturtā.. piektā..
kopā: ūn sestā.. wow!

jo varavīksnes bija 18.. un tās bija pilnas un gāja pa apli. un sanāca, ka mēs sēdējām zem tāda krāsaina kupola.

nū - pakaifojām un gājām pie manis. [te ir atmiņas zudums, bet arī šķiet uzreiz pēc pamošanās ar bija]

nākamā epizode ir jau manā istabā. madara runā pa telefonu, lai dita iziet ar hugo, jo viņa palikšot pa nakti. istaba ir 2reiz lielāka nekā patiesībā. un vēl te ir lautners un kkāda meitene [varbūtība, ka stjuarte 50:50, jo neatceros viņu vsp]. lautners kko staigā apkārt, tad atver manu atvilktni un izvelk manu citātu kladi, kas pēdējā tika tur iemesta. sāk šķirstīt. a tur pilns ar twilight-citātiem [kas nav taisnība, jo tur nav neviena.. [viņi visi man galvā]]..

l: gee, sophie, what is it?
s: oh, give me back!
l: come on, you've read this stuff?
s: [blushing]
m: [chuckling]
l: god, i never knew you where one of those..
s: i'm not.
l: rīlī?! hā. you've written half the book down. it's crazy. you need therapy.
m: rīlī?!
s: [laughing] don't mind her, she doesn't like you very much.
l: well, that's promising. but i thought, you were out of all this twilight madness, but you were just pretending.. to get me to be your friend. i thought you liked me, not jacob.
s: i like you not jacob.. or i like the jacob you play, not the jacob from the book.
l: gee.
s: sorry, i rarely like actors very much, cause i don't know them. you seem pretty truthful and positive, but how can i know. your acting skills are not bad..
m: and you are now 30 pounds bigger.
s: [iedunko m]
l: how do you know that!?
m: gee, bro.. everybody knows it.
l: really?
m: don't play dumb! you said it in every interview you could!
l: you watched interviews with me?
s: [chuckling]
m: i.. i.. no i watched mtv movie awards.. and then you bumped into the camera-man..
l: and i started to feel worried that you might be a twi-fan too.
m: oh, god. you're dumb. just because we don't scream or go into a swoon [es pat nezinu, vai madara zina šito izteicienu, domāju teiktu 'faint'] when we see your charming face.. doesn't mean we can't enjoy a piece of silly book and lame movie.
l: come on, [meitenes vārds]! we're going..
m: off they run.. hā.
l: i don't run.
s: gee, i had no idea you we're so high-strung.
l: i'm not.
s: then be a man and stay for tea. we're not going to drug you or even take photos of you. [maybe just one]

kkā tā [tālāk arī atmiņas zudums]

bet nākamā epizode - gultas saklāšana un kkādas sarunas līdz aimigšanai. :)
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^_^ [May. 10th, 2010|09:28 pm]
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[Current Mood |nekāda]
[Current Music |nekāda]

es nezinu, kas ir nožēlojamāk - skatīties tvailaitu, vai skatīties divreiz pēc kārtas ņjū mūnu?
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neieplānots rīsērčš [part VI] [Apr. 3rd, 2010|02:04 pm]
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[Current Mood |still happy]
[Current Music |death cab for cutie - meet me on the equinox]

- You got hit by the thunderbolt, eh? - Fabrizzio said, clapping him on the shoulder.
Even Calo became friendly, patting him on the arm and saying,
- Easy, man, easy, - but with affection. As if Michael had been hit by a car.
Fabrizzio handed him a wine bottle and Michael took a long slug. It cleared his head.
- What the hell are you damn sheep lovers talking about? - he said.
Both men laughed. Calo, his honest face filled with the utmost seriousness, said,
- You can’t hide the thunderbolt. When it hits you, everybody can see it. Christ, man, don’t be ashamed of it, some men pray for the thunderbolt. You’re a lucky fellow.
Michael wasn’t too pleased about his emotions being so easily read. But this was the first time in his life such a thing had happened to him. It was nothing like his adolescent crushes, it was nothing like the love he’d had for Kay, a love based as much on her sweetness, her intelligence and the polarity of the fair and dark. This was an overwhelming desire for possession, this was an unerasable printing of the girl’s face on his brain and he knew she would haunt his memory every day of his life if he did not possess her. His life had become simplified, focused on one point, everything else was unworthy of even a moment’s attention.
- Have you ever heard of imprinting?
- What is it? - I prodded.
Jacob’s eyes strayed to the ocean.
- Sam did love Leah. But when he saw Emily, that didn’t matter anymore. Sometimes... we don’t exactly know why... we find our mates that way. - His eyes flashed back to me, his face reddening. - I mean... our soul mates.
- What way? Love at first sight? - I snickered.
Jacob wasn’t smiling. His dark eyes were critical of my reaction.
- It’s a little bit more powerful than that. More absolute.
- Love at first sight? But more powerful? - My voice still sounded dubious, and he could hear that.
- It’s not easy to explain. It doesn’t matter, anyway. - He shrugged indifferently. - You wanted to know what happened to Sam to make him hate the vampires for changing him, to make him hate himself. And that’s what happened. He broke Leah’s heart. He went back on every promise he’d ever made her. Every day he has to see the accusation in her eyes, and know that she’s right.
- The imprinting compulsion is one of the strangest things I’ve ever witnessed in my life, and I’ve seen some strange things. - He shook his head wonderingly. - The way Sam is tied to his Emily is impossible to describe or I should say her Sam. Sam really had no choice.
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laikam pēdējais ar 'vējiem līdzi' [Mar. 18th, 2010|12:24 pm]
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[Current Music |karluša bļaustās]

He drew up at the gate and swung lightly to the ground and she thought, staring nervously at him, that he looked just like an illustration in a book Wade was always pestering her to read aloud. His hair was dripping wet, disheveled — even so, he looked like he'd just finished shooting a commercial for hair gel.
Edward stood in the halo of the porch light, looking like a male model in an advertisement for raincoats.
- Scarlett, I’m a bad influence on you and if you have any sense you will send me packing.. if you can. I’m very hard to get rid of. But I’m bad for you.
- Are you?
- Can’t you see it? Ever since I met you at the bazaar, your career has been most shocking and I’m to blame for most of it.
- What if I'm the bad guy? - He smiled playfully, but his eyes were impenetrable.
- Oh,- I said, as several things he'd hinted fell suddenly into place. - I see.
- Do you? - His face was abruptly severe, as if he were afraid that he'd accidentally said too much.
- You're dangerous? [...] But not bad,- I whispered, shaking my head. - No, I don't believe that you're bad.
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TAS [Mar. 11th, 2010|11:46 pm]
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[Current Music |none at all]

ja tikai es būtu vērīgāka, būtu redzējusi treilera preview un zinātu, ka drīz būs, nevis ļautu šim faktam izsist mani no labilā stāvokļa..
vnk pēkšņi ienāca prātā, ka sen nav treileraddicts apmeklēts.
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I think I got it! [Mar. 11th, 2010|01:42 am]
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[Current Mood |i love twilight, but not today]
[Current Music |none]

i liked lautneru better, jo atšķirībā no dārzeņa viņš māk notēlot, ka mīl bellu.
robertiņš [vnlg nākiņš ciemiņs, vai nenākiņš] tāpat kā kristena nerada iespaidu par love of their life, kas arī bija pirmās filmas problēma - no love at all, tikai slimīga apsēstība un ekšns.
kunstēšana un brooding holds no appeal for me.
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kiš-miš ar kokosa skaidiņām [Mar. 10th, 2010|09:20 pm]
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[Current Mood |BBBesis]
[Current Music |dānijas eirovīzijas dziesma 2010]

my heart pounds, my eyes sting with tears! and I'm in earnest shock..
bet par visu pēc kārtas [nekas jauns - vējiem līdzi un tvailaits] )
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continuation of the rīsērč - part IV [Mar. 9th, 2010|08:39 am]
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[Current Mood |bastotāja]
[Current Music |gone with the wind [ab]]

I want you more than I have ever wanted any woman--and I’ve waited longer for you than I’ve ever waited for any woman.” 1) I wanted to kill you at first. I've never wanted a human's blood so much, before.
2) You don't know how long I've waited for you.
[grāmatā principā ir pateikts tas pats, tikai izmantojot daudz lielāku vārdu skaitu]
‘So you could not love me? That is as I hoped. For while I like you immensely, I do not love you and it would be tragic indeed for you to suffer twice from unrequited love, wouldn’t it, dear? May I call you ‘dear,’ Mrs. Hamilton? I shall call you ‘dear’ whether you like it or not, so no matter, but the proprieties must be observed.”
“You don’t love me?”
“No, indeed. Did you hope that I did?”
For I do love you, Scarlett, in spite of what I said that night on the porch last month.
"Bella, I don't want you to come with me." He spoke the words slowly and precisely, his cold eyes on my face, watching as I absorbed what he was really saying. [...]
"You… don't… want me?" I tried out the words, confused by the way they sounded, placed in that order.
"You weren't going to let go," he whispered. "I could see that. I didn't want to do it—it felt like it would kill me to do it—but I knew that if I couldn't convince you that I didn't love you anymore, it would just take you that much longer to get on with your life. I hoped that, if you thought I'd moved on, so would you."
She did not even notice that his hands were jammed in his pockets in hard fists as if he were straining at his own impotence. His hands were clenched into hard fists again.
I could see his hand on his left leg was clenched into a fist, tendons standing out under his pale skin.
So he was going to be difficult. Well, she’d have to bear it meekly, much as she disliked it, if she expected to snatch victory from this debacle. "I can see this is going to be difficult." The voice was amused, still light and friendly.
“Drink this,” said Rhett, taking the glass and pushing it against her lips. Now she remembered and glared feebly at him but she was too tired for anger.
“Please, for my sake.”
"Don't do this," he pleaded.
You wanted me to be human, I reminded him. Well, watch me.
"Please. For me."
Swift as a panther, Rhett was beside her, his heavy hand across her mouth, his arm tight about her waist. "Are you like a bear, too?" I asked in a low voice.
"More like the lion, or so they tell me," he said lightly.
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continuation of the rīsērč [Mar. 5th, 2010|09:05 pm]
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[Current Mood |tīred]
[Current Music |keane - thin air]

“Don’t giggle,” he said, and taking her hand, he turned it over and pressed his lips into the palm. Something vital, electric, leaped from him to her at the touch of his warm mouth, something that caressed her whole body thrillingly. When he touched me, it stung my hand as if an electric current had passed through us.
I was suddenly hyperaware that Edward was sitting less than an inch from me. I was stunned by the unexpected electricity that flowed through me, amazed that it was possible to be more aware of him than I already was.
His lips traveled to her wrist and she knew he must feel the leap of her pulse as her heart quickened and she tried to draw back her hand. My blood was racing, and I wished I could slow it, sensing that this must make everything so much more difficult — the thudding of my pulse in my veins. Surely he could hear it.
She could hear him chuckling softly. Edward was still chuckling quietly.
She was indignant that he had read her mind. She liked to believe herself a thing of mystery to men, but she knew Rhett thought her as transparent as glass. "I thought you couldn't read my mind."
"It's getting clearer." I could hear a smile in his voice.
There would never again be an afternoon as long as this one.
She saw to her surprise that it was late afternoon and the sun, a ball of crimson, was far down the sky. Somehow, she had imagined it would remain broiling hot noon forever.
I scrambled for a moment to come back down to reality. It felt like months rather than days since I'd spoken to Jess.
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ak, ak [Mar. 3rd, 2010|07:50 pm]
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[Current Mood |sik end tīred]
[Current Music |jean-philippe verdin - little sister [a man riktīgi patīk]]

3 dienas klausos par Linkolnu.. un šodien ieeju imdb un izlasu:
Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov reunite to produce 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter'

un tā, protams, nav zīme. tāpat kā tas, ka es tagad vāru sev ūdeni tējkannā 'Scarlett' [un tas nenozīmē sarkano - jo tējkanna ir balta ar zilu].
un par vampīriem vsp nerunāsim..
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rīsērčs turpinās [and will be continued again] [Mar. 3rd, 2010|06:44 pm]
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[Current Mood |rīdings]
[Current Music |bright eyes - first day of my life]

kamēr klausos, tikmēr top. tāpēc pagaidām viss būs ar 'Vējiem Līdzi'..
šis tas aiz ausīm pievilkts, šis tas vnk dažādi viedokļi par vienu un to pašu tēmu, šis tas vnk kkādas intuitīvas atsauces un asociācijas manā galvā..

.. and suddenly she heard her own name called-- called in an unmistakable Charleston voice.. "Bella?" a different voice called from the distance.
No! Please let me be imagining that horribly familiar voice.
she caught Rhett Butler’s eye. His lips were twisted in a slight smile.
[pēc konteksta - viņš it ka zin viņas īstās domas, tāpēc smaida]
I don't think I fooled him, though. A smile was playing around the edges of his lips.
She met his eyes unwillingly and saw they were as teasing as a small boy’s. His eyes were wickedly amused.
"You have an easy face to read." ".. My face is so easy to read — my mother always calls me her open book."
“But if Mother ever--”
“Still tied to mamma’s apronstrings.”
“Oh, you have the nastiest way of making virtues sound so stupid.”
“But virtues are stupid. Do you care if people talk?”
“That’s it, isn’t it?” The short laugh that escaped me was more shocked than amused. “You’re trying to protect your virtue!”
“No, silly girl. I’m trying to protect yours. And you’re making it shockingly difficult.”
“And you look gorgeous when you are mad. I’ll squeeze you again - there - just to see if you will really get mad. You have no idea how charming you were that day at Twelve Oaks when you were mad and throwing things.” It was odd how endearing her anger was. Like a furious kitten, soft and harmless, and so unaware of her own vulnerability
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neliels research [to be continued] [Mar. 3rd, 2010|12:03 pm]
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[Current Mood |kavēju]
[Current Music |gone with the wind [ab]]

As her eyes wandered from Melanie, she caught the gaze of Rhett Butler, who was not mixing with the crowd but standing apart talking to John Wilkes. He had been watching her and when she looked at him he laughed outright. I could feel the shock on my face. I looked forward to see Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper all sliding into the Volvo. In his rearview mirror, Edward's eyes were on me. He was unquestionably shaking with laughter..
He seemed to find her very amusing, for he laughed softly again. It felt like the heat of my anger should physically burn him, but he only seemed more amused.
He laughed a soft, enchanting laugh.
“Eavesdroppers often hear highly entertaining and instructive things,” he grinned. “From a long experience in eavesdropping, I--” "I'm not surprised you heard something you didn't like. You know what they say about eavesdropners," I reminded him.
"May I ask to what these questions tend?"
"Merely to the illustration of your character," said she, endeavouring to shake off her gravity. "I am trying to make it out."
"And what is your success?"
She shook her head.
"I do not get on at all. I hear such different accounts of you as puzzle me exceedingly."
"What are you thinking?" he asked curiously.
I looked up into his deep gold eyes, became befuddled, and, as usual, blurted out the truth.
"I'm trying to figure out what you are."
His jaw tightened, but he kept his smile in place with some effort.
"Are you having any luck with that?" he asked in an offhand tone.
"Not too much," I admitted.
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dietologi iesaka [Feb. 23rd, 2010|11:09 am]
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[Current Mood |bastotāja]
[Current Music |blue october - sweet and somber pigeon wings]

es pat nepamanīju, kad beidzās twi-citātu diēta, kuru es izturēju, pat ar abām sākšanām no sākuma.
un šobrīd man nekas piecitējams klāt pat prātā nenāk.
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