aituvīrs ([info]sodienliist) rakstīja,
@ 2018-03-30 21:14:00

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Ieejot epastā, kur man ir pārsūtīti vairāki ielūgumi uz dažādu foto izstāžu atklāšanu, tajā skaitā foto biennālei, nejauši uzzināju, ka vienā pasākumā būs Grimes un Die Antwoord (es īpaši neklausos, bet, iespējams, daudziem maniem draugiem un paziņām tas ir svarīgi). Tie taču ir milzīgi vārdi, nezinu, kā viņi to dabūja gatavu un kur dabūja naudu. Lai nu kā, tur būs arī Kristians Brekte, Reinis Hofmanis, Natalia Ibáñez Lario, Floris Schönfeld u.c

Par izstādi raksta tā:
"The exhibition draws attention to the influence of fantasy, fiction and the absurd on various social groups within 21 st century reality, where particular significance is given to social identities such as national, ethnic or cultural belonging. There is a particular focus on “magical identity”, which continues to exist as a form of mythological thinking within the consciousness and habits of rationally- based Western civilisation.
The focus of attention for Floris Schönfeld, a Texas-born artist currently residing in Amsterdam, is various groups of enthusiastic people who are passionate about imaginary characters and worlds and magic rituals. One of these projects is the result of collaboration with Trekkies (fans of the American ci-fi TV series Star Trek) who dress up as Klingons (humanoid civilization) and speak Klingon with each other (..) second project by Schönfeld in the exhibition is about a resident of San Francisco who believes in a conspiracy involving an intergalactic parliament, and a reality show in which he and his family have accidently become stars." utt.
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